Chapter 15: The Interview Part 1

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Kylie's alarm wakes us all up at 7am.

"Kylie turn in off" Kendall says

"Todays the interview Kelly! Wake up!" Kylie says. As soon as I hear that, I jump out of bed and start getting ready. I brush my hair and my teeth and then, pack my bags while Kendall and Kykie are freshening up and we all head out the door, to my house.

"HEY MOM!!!" I scream

"Hi Kelly. We're in my washroom getting ready. Come" she yells

"Hi Kim" Kendall and Kylie yell at the same time.

I grab my bag and we head over to the washroom that mom's in. It's soo nice! I still can't get used to the idea that I live in such a huge house!

"Hey Joyce, hey Mario" Kendall, Kylie and I all say.

"Hey cuties" Joyce replies and Mario waves.

Right then, Chris and Jen come in and they wave.

"OK, so Jen and Chris are going to do Kendall and Kylie's hair and Mario and Joyce will do our makeup, then we'll switch" mom says. We all nod, and then sit down in our chairs.

Once all our hair and make up is done, we put on our clothing and we are STUNNING!!!

Kendall is wearing a white silk sleeveless dress, Kylie is wearing a light pink dress, Khloe is wearing a red sheer paneled dress, Kourtney is wearing a pink dress with lace detailing and mom is wearing a black, leather lace up dress, similar to my jumpsuit.

"Ok guys. The boys will be here any minute. Ryan will be here in an hour and the crew is already setting up downstairs" mom said

"Are you guys hungry" Kendall asked us. 

"Ya" we all said together. 

"Ok, I'll order a pizza" she says

"Kendall, it's 8am, who eats pizza at 8 am?" Khloe says 

"I do. Now what do you want on it?" she asks all of us

"I'll take green olives" I say

"I'll take mushrooms and peppers" Kourtney said 

"I'm fine with whatever" Kylie and Kim said. 

"Ok, the pizza will be here in 10 minutes" Kendall said and we all started to laugh. Kendall just gave us all a look and we stopped laughing. 

"Kelly!" I hear someone yell my name

"Scotty" I yell back

"Mason, P, Reign"I yell and hear little feet running down the hall and suddenly feel many arms hugging me and  I hug back. Then the doorbell rang and Kendall runs to the door in her bathrobe, hair curlers and full out smokey eye make up. 

"Wow, she is ridiculous" Kourtney says and we all laughed. 

"Mom, what is Nori going to wear?" I ask

"Dad is picking something out for her. I told him that our colours are black, pink, white and red, so we'll see what he'll pick out" she answers. 

"I'm back" Kendall says and she opens the box and starts eating.

"Pass a slice" Kylie says 

"This is sooo good" she says as she took a bite. 

"Hey Dapper Don Disick" I say

"See it's catching on!" he says and I chuckles

"No it's not Scott, she's just new to the family" Kourtney says and Scott makes a pouty face and we all giggle. Scott was wearing a white suit with black detailing.

"Ryan just texted me and he's pulling up. Kelly, are you excited?" mom asked and I nodded. 

We all put on our dresses and jumpsuits and headed out of mom's bathroom. 

"Hey Ryan" I say

"Hey Kelly! It's so nice to finally meet you!" he says and I smile. 

Once the crew prepared the set, we all sit down for the interview. 

Hey guys!!!!!! !.75k is insane! I'm trying to update as often as I can. Thanks for the comments ad the votes! If anyone has any suggestions for who should play Kelly, Jules and Camille please comment down below. Don't forget to comment and vote. Thanks -Shell7D!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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