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It's been several months since the end of my tour and the Brooklyn and Chloe incident. I'm over all the drama and I'm done with the lying people in my life. I'm proud to say that I've met some amazing people in my life and I've made some really good friends. I met Nicole and her brother Tyler 4 months ago and we've been hanging out almost every week. I met her at my last show before Brooklyn and she gave me her number. We had a really great conversation and she told me to call her - since we got along so well! She's my age and her brother Tyler is 2 years older. Nicole doesn't come from a famous family, and I realized that I like hanging out with people who aren't in the spotlight because they're genuinely good people!!!

Tyler is a baseball player. He's really attractive and I can't help but wonder what it would be like to be with him. Today, Nicole, Tyler, Jonah, Keisi and I are all going to Starbucks and the mall to chill. We haven't seen each other in what feels like forever so we decided to spend the whole day together.

I shower and straighten my hair. Then, I pull it back into a ponytail and start doing my makeup. I put on some bb cream and mascara and eyeliner and I leave the house. I grab the keys to the Range Rover and Pascal (bodyguard) and I head over to Nicole's house. Nicole sits in shotgun and Tyler sits behind me. We then drive down the street to pick up Keisi and finally, we pick up Jonah who lives close by. We all drive to the mall ready to spend the whole day together.

When we enter the mall, we go to Calvin Klein to check out my ad campaign. It looks really good! They're all so proud of me. They snapchat my every move. Once we leave the store, word has gotten out that I'm at the mall and a huge crowd has formed around the store. We barely got out. Next, we go to Starbucks. We sit there for 30 minutes planning a party for Keisi's birthday. We're all really excited since it's only 2 weeks away. We decided to have it at a stables and we're thinking about inviting 60 people - a small party in the Kardashian world.

The theme is rustic chic since that's what Keisi loves and we're renting the whole 50 acres of the barn called Horse Tales - an amazing charity that rescues horses from being killed. For her birthday, I'm gonna fix the stables that is near her house so she can use it when she wants since I know she loves riding horses. Also, we've decided to take Keisi to the Bahamas since 17 is a milestone birthday. We're going the day after her party.

After Starbucks, we shop around the mall a little bit more and then we go to my house. It's a really nice day so we decide to sit outside in the gazebo by the pool. Our chairs are heated so we're warm during the spring weather! We all talk about what were wearing to the party.

"I'm gonna wear a brown bodycon dress. It goes up to my calves and is has long sleeves but like a really low v neck. I can't decide if I want pointed toe shoes or strappy sandals" I say

"Definitely strappy sandals" Keisi says and Nicole nods in agreement. We all go around saying what we're gonna wear. We decided that bodycon is the theme for what were wearing, but we all decide to keep it casual.

The day of the party
When we get to the barn, it's all set up. It looks really good with all the fairy lights strung up all over the place. There's a really nice dance floor in the middle and a huge table to the left filled with snacks. It's really not a huge fancy party. Soon, the guests start coming and before we know it, the barn is almost full! We all go to the dance floor and start dancing. Me, Keisi and Tyler are all dancing together and we're laughing uncontrollably. When Keisi's boyfriend - Nicholas gets to the party, she goes ad greets him. Just as fast as she left us, she came back leaving us no time to talk. Nicole and Jonah join us and we all dance for 5 songs until we get tired.

It's really hot in the barn so I step outside for a bit, just to get some fresh air. I sit down and just breathe. Suddenly, someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around and it's Tyler. We just gaze into each other's eyes for what felt
like forever until her pulls me towards him and kisses me. I kiss back. I've been waiting for this moment for way too long. It was way better than I've ever imagined it could be. Whenever I am around this boy, I'm so nervous. My hands shake, there are butterflies in my stomach, my palms are sweaty. I never thought he felt the same way about me, but now relief floods through my body.

I pull away and look at him.
"What does this mean?" I say

"Kelly, will you be my girlfriend?" I smile and nod. We kiss again and after 10 minutes of just being together, we walk back into the barn hand in hand.

"Did I mention how hot you look today?" He says . I look at him and laugh. I've got a good feeling about this one. I mean it. I've never felt like this in my life - and trust me it's a good feeling!

When we come back, a slow song is playing and he pulls me onto the dance floor. We danced for a while until it was finally time to go home. I snapchat a black and white picture of me holding Tyler's hand and put a red heart beside it.

Hey guys! I know I haven't updated in a really really long time and I'm so sorry! I've just been really busy all through the summer and now that school started again Ive been way to busy doing my work. I tried to write a longer chapter then usual to makeup for my lack of updates. Im soo sorry but I promise I will update. What do you guys think about Tyler? Do you guys think it's gonna last? How do you think Brooklyn is gonna react? Leave it in the comments below. Let's see if we can get this chapter to 30 likes! I'll update as soon as I've got another chapter ready! Also, thank you soooooooooooo much for over 100k view! I can't believe that people have decided to read my story that many times. What started off as a way to pass time turned into a hobby of mine and apparently, people are loving it! I hope you guys continue to enjoy LAKKD and don't forget to like and comment!!!


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