Chapter 28

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When I woke up, it took my eyes a while to adjust. My room was covered in presents. I got out of bed and walked over to the huge stack. I read:

"Happy Birthday!" That's right! I completely forgot it was my birthday. I head downstairs and find mom, Nori and dad all in the kitchen.

"Happy Birthday!" They say and run over to me.

"What do you wanna do today?" Asked dad

"I don't really know, this is the first year we've celebrated my birthday to this extent. I think I want to invite Jules and Camille for lunch. Would that be ok?" I ask

"Yeah sure, for dinner, we're going over to grandma's" mom answers

"Ok thanks I'll call them later." I answer

"So, we made you special pancakes for breakfast because we know how much you love them." Dad says and he pulls out a tray from the oven.

"We were keeping it warm" he says and unwraps it. I see chocolate chip pancakes in the shape of 15.

"How on earth did you manage to do that?" I ask

"For our daughter, we'd do anything" dad says

"Now, we know how much you love Nutella, so we decided to get your huge jar of Nutella as gift one for your birthday." Mom says and whispers something in Nori's ear. Then, she walks over to me and gives a huge jar of Nutella.

We got it custom made, because they don't make jars this big!" Mom laughs

"Now, did you open any of the presents upstairs?"

"No, I wasn't sure if they're for me"

"Of course they're for you, do you think we just left them there as storage? Dad and I just got you a few presents, but that's not all. We've got more, but we're going to give them to you tonight. Kanye, can you help me bring them downstairs?" Mom asks

"No, why? We'll just open them upstairs" I answer

"Actually ha, that's a better idea" mom answer. We finish eating breakfast and head upstairs into my room. The first present I decided to open was a box wrapped in red and black wrapping paper. When I open it I couldn't believe my eyes. It's the newest pair of Louboutins!

"We weren't sure if you would like it, but we decided to go with these. They're called the Bobsleigh"

"Thank you so much, these are absolutely beautiful. I can't even believe it!!!" I scream. I opened the remaining four red and black boxes. In every single one there was a pair of Louboutins.

"Thank you so much, these must of cost a fortune!" Then, there was a small envelope with a sticky note with today's date in the top right corner July 30 and it says "congrats! Start writing your songs, and we're gonna have a session at the studio on the 5 of August! happy birthday Kelly! Scooter" I started screaming. I've got a shot at becoming someone!! This is actually insane.

"Kelly. We're so proud of you! This is amazing news and-" I run over and hug mom and dad, before she can finish.

"We're gonna leave you to get ready and call up your friends" dad says. He then takes Nori's hand and she waddles out the room with mom behind her. I turn on my phone and tweet out "Birthday Girl" and attach a picture of my new shoes. Then, I check my notifications and see happy birthday messages from a bunch of people. I do the same thing on Instagram and then I call Jules. She has a cellphone because one of her foster families gave it to her as an apology present, before they returned brought her back.

"Hey Jules"
"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to our best friends Kelly. Happy birthday to you" Jules and Camille sang.
"Hey guys! Thank you so much! I was wondering if you guys wanna go for lunch. It's on me"
"Ya sure. It'll be fun" Jules says
"Ok. Be ready at 12."
"Ok. See you soon!" Camille says and hangs up the phone.

I just decide to straighten my hair, but for my makeup, I go with a matte smokey eye using a makeup forever palette, a coat of my Mac mascara and a cat-eye eyeliner using my favourite Bobby Brown liner. Finally, I decide to put on some pink lipstick and a coat of lip gloss on top.

Then, I walk into my closet and decide that today is going to be extra fancy I put on a white romper with pink, blue and purple flower petals, and I pick out my new pair of Louboutins "Hot chick" which is a really bright light blue. Then, I grab a dark blue clutch, some diamond studs and a Cartier bracelet and I go downstairs.

"Wow. You look absolutely gorgeous. Did you do your own makeup? It's amazing! And did you style yourself?" Mom asks

"Yeah. I mean I thought it would look good, but wouldn't match too much" I answer

"Well, you did a great job. It's 11:30, we should head out. I made reservations at Nobu under the name Kelly KW. You can pay with your debit. Ok?" mom says

"Ya. Sounds perfect" I say as we leave the house. When we pull up into the orphanage, I see Jules and Camille stepping out. They hop into the car and hug me. A LOT.

"Happy birthday Kelly. We missed you so much. We love you and we're so excited!" Says Jules
"Ya. What she said" Camille laughing.
"I hope you like Sushi because we're going to Nobu." I say. We talk the rest of the car ride. When we pull up the to the restaurant, mom tells me to text her when we're almost done. We get out of the car and head inside.

After we order, we start talking.
"Kelly, can we just start by saying how amazing you look!" Jules says. We talk about the other girls, my life, their lives, clothes, the E Network Gala and finally, we talk about Brooklyn.

I text mom at 1:30 and ask her to pick us up. We drive up to the orphanage and all decide to go inside and visit. I'm greeted by a screaming Gracie who saw Kim Kardashian getting out of the car. We all had a small reunion and then, we had to go. I say goodbye to everyone and mom and I get in the car.

"We're going to make a quick stop at the nail salon. I feel like a mani, pedi. Ok?" Mom says
"As if I'm going to refuse a mani, pedi mom. Good one" I retort. We walk into the salon and I pick a beautiful lilac for my fingers and my toes, to match my outfit for tonight. Mom goes with the nude nails as usual.

After we left, we headed back home and got ready for dinner.

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