Chapter 33

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When the car pulls into Kourtney's driveway, I see the door open and Mason running towards me with Penelope trailing close behind.

"Kelly" they scream in unison! I pick up P into my arms and walk inside with Mason and holding my other hand.

"Hey Kelly" Kourt says. We hugged and walk over to the kitchen. I see Khloe Kylie and Kendall sitting at the bar.

'Hey Kelly!" Kylie says. Everyone says hi after her. I sit down beside Kendall and we all start discussing the trip, after all, it was coming up in just a few days.

In the middle of our conversation, my phone starts vibrating.

"Hey Brooklyn" I answer the phone

"Hey Kelly! How did you know it's me?" he asks chuckling

"Because I may or may not have been secretly hoping that if I said Hey Brooklyn, it would end up being you"

"That's so cuteeee. Well, anyways I was hoping that, you were free tonight, so we could go out for dinner. What do you say?"

"Ya for sure. I'm not doing anything tonight. What were you thinking?" I ask

"I was thinking around 7"

"Ok, that's perfect. I can't wait!"

"Also, please dress nicely, like black tie nice!!!" he says and I giggle

"I'll talk to you later!!! Can't wait to see you" I say and we hang up

As I walk back into the kitchen, I see Khloe, Kourtney, Kendall and Kylie staring me down.

"Well, what did he say? What happened??" Kylie asks

I explain everything to the four of them and they are freaking out!!

"Do you know what you're going to wear?"

"How is your makeup going to be done?"

"Are you gonna dress up, or is it a casual date?"

I was being attacked with questions and I didn't know where to start.

"No,  do not know what to wear. My makeup is going to be simple and I'm dressing up. There, does that answer all your questions?" I answer hopefully, all of their questions!

"Ok, we'll help you with what to wear and all that, but now we've got to go plan our trip!!!"

After, some time of just sitting and planning, we've decided on the following schedule:

Day 1: Arrival, beach (August 5)

Day 2: Tour of whole island, beach (August 6)

Day 3: Submarine tour of Antilla (August 7)

Day 4:De Plam Island (August 8)

Day 5: Safari at Arikok National Park (August 9)

Day 6: Go to town for volunteering (August 10)

Day 7: Butterfly farm, Queen Filomena park, beach (August 11)

Day 8: Leave in morning (August 12)

"All that planning made me super hungry" Kendall says

"Of course it did. Lemme guess, you would like to order a pizza, maybe a few?" Kylie said

We ordered a bunch of pizzas, and planned out all of our outfits, so that we would know what to pack!!! After a while, I decided to go home. After all, I had to get ready! Kylie wanted to help me get ready so, she drove us home.

After a while of debating what to wear, we decided on a black lace crop top, a black pencil skirt, black strappy pumps and a black Chanel purse.

Kylie did my makeup and by 7, I was all ready and waiting.

Thank you so much for the support! I'm trying to update as often as I can. I'm really busy with school so it's a little bit tough, but I trying best. Comment what you think is going to happen. I have the chapters written, I just need to type them up. Thank you! Don't forget to comment and vote!

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