Chapter 28

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Hey readers of Never Ending Change!!

READ THE AUTHORS NOTE BELOW!!! Read all of it please?


Chapter twenty-eight

It’s been a week since Shane asked me for my help and I didn’t notice anything happen. I walked towards the television room and saw Shane and Shania watching Spongebob.

I sat next to Shania. She gave me a big grin and climbed on my lap. “What are you doing?” I asked her.

“Watchin TV” she smiled.

“How is your friend Holly?” I asked her.

I noticed her smile fade. “At her home. Ask Shane” she said with jealousy.

“You don’t like Holly?” I asked her.

“She is why Shane don’t play with me,” she complained.

“I play with her,” Shane commented.

“No, you don’t! You no like me anymore,” Shania yelled at him, a tear fell down her cheek.

“Aww honey, don’t cry,” I said and wiped her cheek. “Shane still likes you” I reassured her and then turned to Shane and asked her to reassure her, “Right, Shane?”

“I love you, Shania” Shane said and gave her a hug.

“Fine,” she sniffed and hugged Shane back.

Dad just entered the house and sat with a heavy sigh on the sofa. “Long day at work,” he sighed.

“Can I get you anything?” I asked.

“A chilled beer would be nice,” he said. I glared at him. “I’m kidding! Jeez,” he said and shook his head.

“Get me cold water or soda or something,” he told me and switched the television channel from cartoons to the news.

“I was watchin that!” Shane said stubbornly.

“And now you’re watching the news,” dad said and watched the television set.

I shook my head, disproving of the way dad was behaving with the twins. Maybe he just had a hard day at work.

I took out a bottle of soda from the fridge and walked back to the television room. I handed him the soda and sat next to him.

“Hard day?” I asked.

“How’d you guess?” he asked.

“Your behaviour,” I said and watched the news. Something about Wikileaks latest release was going on TV.

“I’m sorry,” he said and huge gulp from it.

After a couple of minutes dad said, “I have this meeting next week.”

“Oh?” I said with a tiny bit of interest.

“It’s out of this town, I’ll be gone for a couple of days,” he said.

“So the twins and I are gonna be alone?” I asked confused.

“Well kinda, I could ask the Blossoms or the McKenzies to check in on you once in a while,” he said kindly.

I shook my head and said, “Sabrina Blossom doesn’t like me, you can’t trust them.”

“All right then, I’ll let the McKenzies know that I’m leaving later,” he said. I nodded.

After a few seconds of silence I asked, “So what about this meeting?"

"Nothing much," he replied and stared at the news that showed the stock market and the fluctuating stock rates. Boring.

"You’re going to be away from here for 5 days and the meeting is about 'nothing much'? Dad, I'm not buying that."

"Its confidential business, Stacey," he sighed, "It’s a movie deal that I can't talk about."

"Will you call?" I asked.

"Every day," he said with a tiny smile and kissed my cheek.

"Fine," I smiled.

"Dada, I need chocolates," Shane announced.

"For what?" dad asked.

"I want!" he exclaimed stubbornly.

"Why do you want it so bad?" dad asked.

"I just do!"

"Do you know anything about this?" dad asked me.

"I may have a clue," I smirked.

"Does he need the chocolate?" he asked me.

"Chocolates might help his problems. Kit Kat" I said. Shane grinned at me.

"There might be some in the fridge," dad told us.

Shane giggled with joy and ran to the kitchen. He returned back a minute or so later and pulled my hand "Open!" he said. I got up, opened the fridge door and gave him two kit kat bars. He hugged me and went upstairs, probably to his room. 


I know it's not that long but I'll try and make the next chapter longer. So what do you guys think about this chapter? Daddy's leaving :( Shania's all sad :( Shane is going to give Holly chocolates!  Comment your thoughts below. I could really use feedback. Do the usual >> FB LIKE | SHARE | RETWEET | COMMENT | VOTE | Recommend a song that would fit this chapter :)


Must read for twilight and vampire diaries fans >>

I'm writing a new story with my friend it's called "Desperate for Humanity - When the twilight saga meets vampire diaries".

Skyler and Klaudia are two best friends that live in a small town called Spoons. Skyler Hawkins is struggling to get over Edward Cullen and trying not to hate Bella Swan for taking him away from her. Klaudia is trying to help Skyler get over Edward but she has a few problems arising of her own.

Damon Salvatore has a few problems of his own. When Damon enters their life they find out about Spoons and all the secrets that the town is hiding. With Damon on their side will their problems disappear? Will Skyler be able to move on and find someone better? Will Damon find the solution to his problem?

Copyright of Skyler Jayne and Klaudia Karbowiak 2011.

It would be awesome if you read it! It'll be on the account of the person I am dedicating this chapter too. It's also in the External link. 

ox SkylerJ

| ~Writing Tales of Love and Heartbreak ♥~ | 

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