Chapter 13

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Heya people!!

I'm sooo sorry for being late! I kinda had no time to write this story. Had a MAJOR assignment due on Friday so I had to work hard on it.

Moral of the story ... it doesn't matter if the guy is hot, if he doesn't do the work don't invite him in the group project lol. The hot guy did nothing -_- lol

Oh and this chappie was edited by ReBeLLuV :)


Chapter thirteen

I reached home and immediately sat on the couch. I put on the CW and watched ‘The Vampire Diaries’ on it. I felt the sofa move. I turned and saw dad sitting next to me. I still didn’t want to talk to him.

“Where are the rest of my kids?” he asked.

“Why do you care?” I asked coldly and increased the TV volume.

“Because I’m their father,” he pointed out, “Seriously, where are the twins?”

“The park,” I answered.

“Alone?” he asked concern.

“I would never leave them alone!” I yelled at him.

“Is something wrong?” he asked me, coming closer.

“Other than the fact that my parents are getting a divorce, everything is fine.” I gave him a disappointed look and increased the volume even more.

“Where did you hear that from?” he asked, shocked and confused.

“Not from you,” I said and finally turned towards him, “that’s for sure.”

“Honey, your mom and I are not getting a divorce,” he said, “Don’t listen to that crap. I just told people that we are temporarily separated, that’s all. Your mom will be back soon."

“You think so?” I asked with hope, forgetting to keep up my grudge against him.

He sighed and pulled my cheeks and then said, “Well, we could all try to stay positive.”

“Dad, I miss her,” I said sadly.

“Me too,” he said and kissed my forehead.

The doorbell rang. I got up and opened it. I saw Ben – since I’m allowed to call him that – standing outside with Shania in his hands and Shane next to him. I looked at my wrist watch. It was 6 p.m.

“You’re kinda late,” I pointed out.

“They wanted ice-cream,” Ben shrugged and put Shania down.

“You gave them ice-cream?” I asked, shocked. We didn’t give them a lot of ice-cream. Probably once a month or once in two months or something.

“Is that a problem?” he asked, confused.

“I had choco!” Shane said.

“Me too!” Shania said excitedly.

“Holly eats ice-cream every week!” Shane exclaimed, “why not us?”

“What’s a ‘week’?” Shania asked me confused.

“Ice-cream is not good,” I told them. I really had no idea why we never ate ice-cream every week.

“To room!” Shane said and pulled Shania with her upstairs.

After they left, I turned to Benjamin and said, “Thanks for taking care of them."

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