Chapter 51

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Chapter fifty-one

It was morning. When I woke up, I noticed that only the twins and I were sleeping on the bed. Last night dad had decided that we should all sleep in one bed as a family. It was a bit difficult to do, but we managed.

I saw that both Shane and Shania were fast asleep, so I decided to get up. I slowly got off the bed and tip-toed my way to the bathroom to freshen up.

I walked up to the cupboards and took out a bowl and some cereal. I went to the fridge and took out the milk bottle.

"What are you doing?" I heard mom ask.

I turned around and saw mom.

"I'm making me breakfast, why?" I asked.

"Because I thought I was making breakfast," she told me.

I put the lid back on the milk bottle, "did you already make something?"

"No, I was going to ask you what you wanted me to make for you," she smiled.

"I'm fine, mom. I always have this for breakfast," I told her and poured the milk into the bowl.

"Okay," she nodded, "can you take me to the grocery or something later?"

"Sure," I smiled as I started eating my cereal.

It was noon and the twins were already dressed up. Mom had dressed them up and they didn't make a fuss with her.

Mom sat in the backseat with the twins while I drove to the grocery store. Even though the grocery was 15 minutes away, I took the car. It was partly because mom said that she had a long list of things to buy, and kind of because I wanted to show her my driving skills. She was in rehab when I got my license.

I parked into the grocery's parking lot, which was right in front of the store. "This is five minutes away from home. Why did we have to take the car?" Mom asked.

"Because you said that we had a lot to buy," I told her.

"All right," she nodded as she removed Shane and Shania from the car.

I grabbed a trolley and put Shane and Shania inside it so that they wouldn't run around and make a mess. I don't think I've ever taken the twins to the grocery before. Their eyes lit up when we reached the chocolate and biscuit aisle.

"Can I have a cookie?" Shane asked mom.

"Sure," she smiled and put a cookie box in the trolley, "don't open it till we get home, okay?"

They nodded eagerly. Mom must have seen that we ran out of cookies at home. Or maybe she wanted to see their eyes light up.

Shania started waving out to someone. "Shania, don't wave at people," I told her.

"Benny!" She exclaimed and waved more.

I turned around and saw Ben waving back at Shania. When our eyes met, his smile widened. He walked towards us with a box of instant coffee sachets.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be studying?" I asked.

"I came to buy supplies," he said and showed me the box in his hand.

Mom asked, "Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?"

I mentally slapped my forehead and said, "Ben, this is my mom. Mom, this is my friend Ben."

Ben looked shocked for a second. He held out his hand, and while mom shook it he said, "It’s nice to finally meet you, Mrs. Davis."

Mom gave him a polite smile and said, "Why don't you two spend time alone. We'll meet you in the parking lot."

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