Chapter 37

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Chapter thirty-seven

“Where are we?” he asked me curiously.

“Go to sleep, sweetie,” I told him, hoping he would listen to me.

He looked at me stubbornly and said, “I wanna go home. Where is Shania?”

“I can’t tell you this right now,” I tried to explain, “can you just sleep?”

“No!” he exclaimed and folded her arms across his chest.

“Please?” I asked him.

“No! I wanna see Shania and I wanna eat!” he exclaimed childishly.

“But Holly is here, why do you want Shania?” I asked him.

“I love her! Where’s she?” he asked.

I sighed and said, “She’s not here, okay? She’s at home, we’re not. We’ll go home soon, okay?”

“Where are we?” he asked me confused.

“A secret place. We have to wait for dada to come and pick us up,” I told him.

“Tell dada to come fast! I’m hungwy” he whined.

“I’ll tell him when I can, okay?”

“Fine!” he huffed and went back into a sleeping position.

“Don’t be mad at me,” I whispered to him. He didn’t reply.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

More than scared and worried, I was bored. There was nothing to do here. Nothing but wait till dad does whatever they tell him too and comes to collect us.

I heard the door open. “I know you’re awake,” I heard a voice say. I recognized that voice. It was the mean man talking.

I opened my eyes and looked at him in the eye. “What do you want?” I asked annoyed.

“Don’t you want to eat anything?” he asked, “I have food for you. Delicious food.”

Shane’s head shot up. “Food?” he asked curiously.

A sly grin spread across the mean man’s face. “Yes boy, food. Do you want some?”

Shane eagerly nodded and said, “Yes, pwease?”

The grin on the mean man’s face widened further. “You’ll have to wake up the little girl next to you.”

Shane turned towards Holly and shook her violently. “Shane, don’t!” I yelled at him and

“Buh if she wakes up we have food!” he exclaimed to me.

I sighed not knowing what to do. Shane didn’t have to shake Holly one last time. She blinked her eyes open and looked at me confused. “Where am I?”

“Uh, not home,” I told her.

“This boy has food,” Shane told her and pointed at the mean man.

“Me no hungwy,” Holly whined and poked Shane’s chest.

“If she stays awake, you get food,” Mean man told Shane.

Pwease? I’m hungwy!” Shane told Holly.

Holly let out a tiny sigh and said, “I’ll eat a little bit.”

“Bring us food, now,” I told him though gritted teeth.

“Sure, babe,” he said and walked away.

He returned fifteen minutes later with a plate with a hand full of French fries and a burger. He put it on the bed. “Wait ... that’s it?” I asked him confused. He made such a big deal out of food and this is all we get?

“I think you forget that you are a hostage and not a guest. This is all you’re getting for now,” he stated.

“You woke them up for this?” I exclaimed, trying to calm down.

He ignored what I said previously and said, “I’ll come back to collect the plate in half an hour. I’ll take it back whether it’s done or not done.”

He walked out of the room. The guy at the door stared at his phone again.

I sighed and stared at the plate in front of me. How did poor people do this? I only had one option. I tried to break the burger into two and I divided it between them. They picked up a piece and started eating. The way they were munching it seemed like they were starving for days. I almost felt guilty for wanting to eat the burger too.

I ate a French fry and that was enough. I was hungry but I could let that hunger die down. They needed food more than me. I helped them eat the burger by holding it for them. Fifteen minutes later they were done with their share of the burger and they started eating some of the fries.

“Did you eat?” Holly asked me timidly.

I nodded and said, “They gave me a separate plate when you were sleeping.”

Holly smiled and took more fries. “Where’s Benny?” she asked.

“He’s at home. He’s buying chocolates for you,” I told her. Ben could give her chocolates when we get back, it wasn’t too expensive.

The thirty minutes was up and the mean man came in. “I hope you all ate well, you are not getting more food anytime soon,” he said.

My stomach dropped. I haven’t eaten anything, except a French fry, since last night. He gave the plate to the guy at the door and waited on the bed till he left the room.

“I’ll call your father in a while. You may even get to talk to him,” he said casually.

I smiled happily. “What is your name?” I asked curiously.

“Why would you wanna know that, babe?” he smirked.

“Just tell me!” I exclaimed.

“How about sir?”

“Your real name please? I would call you sir if I had any respect for you. I don’t,” I told him.

He leaned in closer so that his face was in front of mine. He exhaled on my face causing me to flinch because of his cigarette breath. I tried to look away but he caught my face roughly in his hands and harshly said, “You listen to me, all right? As long as you’re here, I am the boss of you. That means that you treat me with respect. Got it?”

I didn’t want to nod, but he tightened his grip on my face. I reluctantly nodded, much to his satisfaction. He grinned and said, “If you keep up the good behaviour, maybe I’ll go easy on you.” His face didn’t move. I could still smell his foul breath. With on hand still gripping my face, he leaned in closer and started smelling my neck. “You smell good,” he mumbled.

I felt disgusted that he could do this to me and I was so helpless. He pulled away and said, “I’m going to bring a few things.” I slowly nodded and he walked out of the room.

There were only three of us here now. “What secret he telling you?” Holly asked.

“He was telling me his favourite colour,” I said after a few seconds of thinking. I tried to calm myself down and force myself not to cry. I had to stay strong for them but it was so difficult to do it. I felt so violated, I couldn’t even look at myself.

Out of nowhere, Shane hugged me. “If that boy is a meano then I break his bones,” he said over protectively.

I hugged him back with one arm and said, after laughing, “Do you even know where his bones are?” He nodded unsurely but he didn’t let go of me.

The mean guy walked in with a phone in one hand and a knife in the other hand. I gulped. Why did he bring a knife? 


So what do you think? Isn't being kidnapped fun! lol The kidnap chapters are kinda the climax chapters

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