Chapter 32

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Hopefully this long long chapter will make up for me not uploading for a week. My birthday is coming up on April 5th. I'll be uploading a new story on that day to enter the watty awards. The BOOK TRAILER is on your right. Check it out :) And yes, the human in the video is me. The off-shoulder thingy is because I'm trying to add sex-apeal. lol jk. It won't stay on my shoulder, it keeps slipping lol. Check it out. Edited it myself!!

If you're reading this after April 6th, then click on the external link to take you to the Story! The trailer kinda tells you all about the book lol.


Chapter thirty-two

I packed the twins and my clothes in my back pack and went to the twins’ room to see if they wanted to go now. Honestly, I wanted to go right away. I can’t believe I’m going to sleepover at his place. Well obviously I can’t sleep in the same bed as him. That would be awkward.

They were already all dressed up and standing by the door. “Are you ready yet?” Shane asked in a whiney tone.

“Yes yes,” I told them and ran down the stairs. They both laughed as I did that.

Sooner than you know it, we were on Ben’s doorstep and Shane was asking me to hurry up and ring the bell. Ben opened the door and smiled at them. They ran inside and probably went to wherever Holly was. I walked inside and asked him “Where do I keep my backpack?” I asked him.

“I’ll keep it in my room,” he said and I handed him my back pack.

I made my way towards his TV room and sat on the couch waiting for him. I noticed a couple of DVDs on the coffee table. I gingerly picked up the Inception and read the back of the DVD. “Do you want to watch that?” Ben asked me.

“Sure,” I smiled.

“I’ll just put a movie for the kids in my parents’ room, and then we’ll watch this,” he told me. I nodded and he walked out of the room.

I patiently waited for him to come. When he came back, he grinned at me. “Your choice of movie is good,” he said.

“Thank you,” I grinned back.

“Do you want something to drink?” he asked.

Coca Cola would be great”.



He smiled and left the room.

A movie with Benjamin McKenzie, the guy I am crushing on, sounds good. Who am I kidding? It sounds amazing!

He returned with two cokes and a bowl of popcorn.

“Are the kids okay up there?” I asked him concerned. I was starting to feel that it was selfish of us leaving them there alone.

“They’ll be fine, the door is open. I told Holly to run down if she needed anything,” he reassured me.

“Good,” I said relieved.

“Let’s watch Inception now,” he grinned and put the DVD in the DVD player. I relaxed and thought about the movie and not about how close he was sitting next to me.

The screen blacked out and the movie was over. “Wow,” I said amazed by the movie.

“I know,” he said, just as amazed as me.

“The movie is so freaky and cool,” I turned towards him and said.

“I know. Leonardo DiCaprio played the role well.”

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