Chapter 7

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Here's Chapter seven of NEVER ENDING CHANGE ... hope you likey it :D


Chapter seven

“Hey,” I said.

“Hey,” he smiled and looked down at Shane and Shania. “Who are these two?” he asked.

“Shane and Shania,” I told him and looked at them with pride.

“Hello there,” he kneeled down and shook their hands, “I’m Benjamin.”

“Hi, Benanin, are you Stacey’s friend?” Shane asked him.

“I am” Benjamin said, “Are you two her brother and sister?”

“Yesh!” Shania squealed.

He smiled at me and then asked them, “do you have any friends yet?”

“No,” Shane said in a tone which was so sad it hurt me a little.

“You know what?” Benjamin said and put his hand and Shane’s shoulder, “I have a sister who wants to make friends. Do you want to meet her?”

“Can I come?” Shania asked.

“Of course you can,” Benjamin said and held her hand.

“Let’s go with him,” Shane said and started tugging on my hand.

“All right,” I chuckled and the four of us walked together.

“By the way,” Benjamin told me, his blue-grey eyes staring at me, “you never told me you had a brother and a sister.”

“You never brought it up,” I said while glancing at what he was wearing; a black t-shirt with white spirals at the bottom along with black jeans. “You never mentioned you had a sister either.”

He chuckled and said, “I guess we’re even. How old are they?”

“They’re both three,” I told him.

“Same age as my sister,” he smiled.

We finally reached a place where a girl was collecting rocks. She looked like she was around 3 years old. She has blonde ringlets with brown in it. “Holly,” Benjamin said.

The little girl looked up and said, “Benny! I found cool rocks.” She held out her tiny hand so that Benjamin could see the rocks.

“That’s great!” Benjamin said, “I found you new friends. Do you want to play with them?”

“Sure!” she smiled a dimpled smile and pulled Shane and Shania and they started talking.

“Let’s go someplace else,” Benjamin said. I followed him. “So did you make any new friends?” he asked.

“Well, not many,” I said, “I guess I’ll get some eventually.” Wow, I really sounded like a loner.

“You always have me,” he smiled.

“I guess I do,” I grinned.

We stopped next to one of the gazebos. “Can I ask you for something?” he asked.

“Sure. What is it?” I asked back.

“I need you to do me a favour,” he said looking deep into my eyes.

“What is it?” I asked.

“The thing is,” Benjamin started, “I think Sabrina’s cheating on me.”

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