Chapter 3

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Chapter three of 'NEVER ENDING CHANGE'.


I went back home and poured myself a cup of coffee that I had just made. I blew over it, trying to cool it down before drinking it. Coffee was something that also helped calm down too.

The doorbell rang. I checked the time on my watch – 8 pm – and went to open the door. The door revealed two people. One a blonde girl with a thin frame, she looked around my age. Next to her stood a beautiful blonde woman, perhaps her mother, who seemed old but still maintained her beauty.

“Hey there,” The older woman said, “I’m Margret Blossom.” She then pointed to the other girl and said, “This is my daughter Sabrina Blossom. I’m sure you’ll make great friends.”

I smiled and said, “Come in, I’m Stacey Davis”.

They entered the room and sat on our black leather sofas. The way they sat spelt Royalty. They sat with their legs crossed and put their hands on their knees. They sat with such elegance.

“How are you finding it here?” Mrs. Blossom asked.

“It’s good so far,” I told her, “We just reached here.”

“I would love to meet your parents. Where are they?” she asked.

“They’re not at home. Dad has gone for a meeting,” I told them simply.

“When will they be back?” she asked patiently.

“Maybe later at night, where do you live? I’ll ask dad to stop by,” I told her.

“We live right next door,” she smiled. She stood up and said, “Ask your father and mother to visit us soon.”

“Sure, I’ll let them know,” I smiled.

“Mom, I’ll meet you out in five minutes,” Sabrina told her mom.

“Sure, Sabrina,” her mom said and left.

I gave her a shy smile. She returned a cold glare. “I know what you’re doing,” she told me.

“Huh?” I asked her confused.

“You’re trying to steal my boyfriend, Benjamin,” she glared harder taking one step closer than me, her tall frame leaning over me by centimetres.

“I don’t even know who you’re talking about!” I exclaimed.

“I saw you this morning,” she said, her voice so icy cold, I had to stop myself from shivering in fear. “You purposely banged into him this morning,” she continued, “I’m warning you. If you ever pull a stunt like that again you’ll wish you were never born. Got that?”

I nodded weakly. She gave me a fake smile and walked out the door.

I stood there in shock. Sabrina’s words ran through my head. She accused me of stealing Benjamin. I just met him. How could she even think that? Were all the people in this neighbourhood like this? Accusing?

I felt that familiar sting behind my eyes. Why was I even crying? I ran up to my room, not wanting the twins to see me in this state, and shut the door. I hated this place. Why did I have to even move here? It doesn’t make sense. None of it does.

I felt someone tugging my pants. “Stace?” I heard Shane ask.

“Yes sweetie?” I whispered.

“I’m scawed,” he said, his voice shaky.

“Me too,” I heard Shania say.

I got up and saw them huddled together. I patted my bed and they both climbed in.

“What happened, sweetie?” I asked them.

“My room is scawey. I keep hearing noises,” Shania said.

“Scary noises?” I asked.

“Yeah, banging noises. Monsters are gonna eat us!” Shane said and shivered.

Maybe next time I won’t watch horror movies – Scream - with them. I gave them both a hug and said “It’s okay, nothing’s going to happen. I checked the room.”

“Are you sure, Stace?” Shane asked.

“I’m positive,” I smiled, “And if you do see monsters tell them that your big sister is going to kill them all.”

“We will,” they said and smiled.


So this chapter was essential to introduce the evil girl (Sabrina). I know it's not that long. I'll try to make the next one longer. Anyway, what do you think of Sabrina? What do you think of the little elder sister moment with her?






Skyler Jayne

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