Chapter 17

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So TRUST me you're gonna LOVE this chapter!!

So umm no one could really predict what's right .. some of you had WICKED imaginations lol. So no one gets a dedication. Sorry. But read the note at the end to know how you can get a dedication!


Ben and I walked side by side towards the basketball court. “I think I should be really upset,” I finally said.

“How come?” He asked confused.

“My boyfriend just confessed he liked someone else and told me to give him privacy,” I told him.

“Oh,” he said suddenly concerned, “are you gonna be all right?”

I chuckled and said, “I’m fine, we were just pretending anyway.”

“That’s great,” he smiled. “Is that why you didn’t tell me?”

I nodded.

“I forgive you,” he grinned.

“Thank you so much,” I said sarcastically, “I was thinking of killing myself if you didn’t forgive me.”

He chuckled and steered me by pulling my hand and dragged me towards the basketball court.

“Play with us,” he stated.

“No,” I said. The court did seem inviting, but it has been a year since I played.

“I’m sure the guys won’t mind,” He said giving me an encouraging smile.

“Then I would love to,” I grinned.

Around eight tall and well-built guys approached Ben and I. “Who’s she?” the guy with the blonde surfer hair asked.

“This is Stacey,” Benjamin introduced, “my neighbour and friend.”

“Hey,” the surfer hair guy with crystal blue eyes said, “I’m Rocky and behind me are my boys.”

“She’s playing with us,” Ben told Rocky.

Rocky bursted out laughing and said, “Are you sure you can play? You’re a girl”.

“I play fine,” I defended myself.

“I’d like to see that,” one they guys behind Rocky called out.

“Let’s make this interesting,” Rocky grinned.

“How?” I questioned.

“Whoever gets 10 points first win. Five in each team,” Rocky said.

“And how is that ‘interesting’?” Ben asked.

“Well, if her team loses she has to kiss everyone playing on the court,” Rocky grinned.

The entire team? I paled. “No way,” I protested.

“If you wanna play, that’s the rules,” Rocky smirked.

“What if I win?” I asked.

Rocky bursted out laughing. When he saw my glare towards him, he said, “All right, if you win our friend Ben here will kiss you.”

“Why do I have to kiss people?” I asked.

“Dude, pick something else,” Ben told Rocky.

“I ain’t budging,” Rocky snickered.

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