Chapter 4

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Chapter four of NEVER ENDING CHANGE :)  


I was watching TV, Desperate Housewives, when the twins entered the TV room. “Did you get bored of playing with your toys?” I asked them.

“I’m hungwy,” Shania whined.

“Hungry? I just gave you cereal!” I told them.

“We want cookies!” Shane said.

“I don’t think we have any,” I frowned.

“I’m telling dada,” Shania said and ran out of the room.

Shane and I followed her and found dad changing in his room. By changing I didn’t mean he was naked, I meant he was getting dressed into a suit.

“Another meeting?” I asked, one eyebrow raised.

“Yes,” he sighed.

“Dad, how many more do you have?” I asked sadly.

“Not that many,” he smiled at me, “Don’t worry too much.”

“Dada!” Shania exclaimed.

“What is it, sweetie?” he asked her.

“Stace is a meano!” she said and crossed her arms over her chest.

“How’s that?” dad asked her concerned and gave me a confused look. I just shrugged and let Shania do the talking.

“She’s not giving us cookies,” Shania complained.

“Why not, Stace?” dad asked me.

“We don’t have any!” I told him.

“I thought we bought a whole box here. Where did those go?” he asked me again.

“It got over on the ride here,” I told him, averting my gaze so he didn’t know that I finished it off.

He pulls out his wallet from his back pocket and hands me 50 bucks. “What for?” I asked.

“Buy them cookies, milk and whatever you want,” dad smiled.

“50 is too much for all that,” I told him.

“Keep it,” he smiled and put on his tie.

“Okay,” I said and turned to the twins who had an accomplished look on their faces. “Which ones do you want? Chocó-chip?”

“Yesh!” they exclaimed, “Can we come?”

I turned to dad asking him with my eyes. “No, you stay with me,” dad smiled at them.

“I can’t go with Stacey?” Shane asked with her brown puppy dog eyes.

“No, kiddo, we can watch Barney together!” Dad told them. They jumped with joy and left the room.

“Ask Mrs. Blossom where the grocery store is,” dad told me, “They’re nice people.”

Sure they were. I rolled my eyes and said, “I’ll find it myself.” With that, I left the house.

I walked down the road and saw a bakery, a boutique but no grocery store. I walked into the bakery to ask for directions. That’s when I heard him saying, “Hey, neighbour.”

“Hey, Benjamin,” I said and looked into his blue-grey eyes. He had such beautiful eyes.

“What are you looking for?” he asked.

“The grocery,” I told him and shrugged.

“I’ll take you there,” he said coming closer.

Sabrina’s warning flashed in head. “Umm it’s okay” I told him, “just point me in the direction.”

“I insist,” he smiled, “a pretty girl like you could get lost easily.”

I blushed for a second at his comment and said “sure.”

We walked out of the bakery and started strolling down the street. “So how are you?” he asked.

“I’m good,” I said, “What about you?”

“I’m great,” he smiled, “Are you settling in fine?”

“Yeah, I guess,” I shrugged as we entered the grocery store.

“You know, there’s a community party is in two weeks,” he started, “you should come.”

Did he just ask me out? He has a damn girlfriend! He must have seen the way I struggled because he said, “bring your family along too.”

“Why are you inviting me?” I asked.

“You need to fit in here. You could use some friends,” he smiled, “I could introduce you to my girlfriend.”

I picked up two boxes of cookies and told him, “I’ve already met her, Sabrina, I’m pretty sure she already hates me.”

“Why would you say that?” he asked confused.

“Listen, Benjamin, I really don’t want to get in the way of your relationship with her. She’s already made that perfectly clear,” I told him.

“What did she say?” he asked now angry.

I gave the milk, two boxes of cookies and a loaf of bread to the counter and said, “She just told me to stay away from you. She would ruin me if I even tried.” I noticed how my voice shook at this point. I also noticed how the girl at the counter was paying attention to our conversation.

“Really?” he asked as I paid the cashier. I nodded. “I’m really sorry she said those things. I’ll talk to her about this,” he said and opened the door so we could go out of the store.

“I don’t mind, really,” I said.

“I’ll make it up to you,” he said standing in front of me, “I’ll buy you lunch.”

“I need to get home,” I told him disappointed.

“I’ll drop you if you want, you live next door to Sabrina right?” he asked.

“I do,” I said as we walked down the street, “and thanks.”

“No problem,” he said and smiled.

“Was that huge bear for her?” I asked.

“It was,” he smiled proudly, “our six month anniversary gift.”

“Six months!” I exclaimed, “That’s pretty long.”

“I know!” he said with a goofy smile, “I love her.”

“I see that,” I chuckled. I saw my house coming into my view so I said, “I guess I’ll go home now.”

“Sure,” he smiled, “I hope I see you at the community party.”

“I’ll think about it,” I said and walked towards my house. 


So now you know why he had the bear! What do you think of Benjamin now? Is he a good friend? A bad boyfriend? A boy who's good hearted and only stands up for what is right? Comment below! Oh and the next chapter's gonna be about her school ..... or is it??  

Maybe in the next chapter she and Benjamin might have a fight? Or they might even go out?  

Only one way to find out ... ;)

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love you always ...  



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