Chapter 46

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Heyy!! This chapter is short but I hope you likey it :)

Chapter forty-six

It was the last day of exams. I wrote the answer to the last question. There was five minutes left. I didn't want to check the answers again so I put my head down on the desk. My mind started singing 'I'm free! I'm free!' I got a tune for it too. It sounded a bit like the tune of 'happy birthday'.

"One minute left," I heard the nasally female teacher announce. I never really knew her name. After she announced that, I heard a couple of gasps and then the pens started scratching the table faster. I chuckled in my head.

After what seemed like a long while later, the teacher told everyone to put the pen down. I grinned and sang ‘I'm free!’ in my head. I tapped my foot anxiously as I waited for the teacher to collect our papers and to tell us that we can go home to enjoy our summer vacation.

After a while, the teacher let us go.

I quickly walked out of the class and packed my belongings. I felt someone tap my shoulders. I turned around and saw Ryan grinning. "We're free!" I exclaimed.

"Totally!" Ryan exclaimed and hi-fived me.

"So what plans do you have?" I asked him.

"Why don't we all get a pizza or something?" Ryan suggested.

"Sounds awesome!" I exclaimed.

"I know I'm awesome," I heard Peter say from behind me.

I laughed. Yasmine found us and said, "Can we get out of here? It's so crowded here!"

"Sure," I smiled.

Together we walked out of the class and towards our car. "Why don't you leave your cars at home. We can all go in mine," I suggested, "it'll be fun and we'll be saving the environment."

"Okay sure," they said and sat in their cars.

I followed Yasmine home first. Ryan and Peter had already left for home. After she parked her car she came to my car and said, "I'll just tell my mom I'm going out with you guys." I nodded and watched her walk inside her house.

I put on some music and sang along to it while I waited for her to come out. She rushed to my car. "Can I drive? We'll reach a lot faster because I know their house."

"Sure," I smiled as I climbed to the passenger seat. She grinned and sat in the driver seat.

She stepped on the gas and then I realized what she meant by 'fast'. She was speed driving. "Why are you trying to wreck my car?" I asked her.

"Would you relax?" she chuckled, "we're here." She stopped the car in front of Ryan's house. Ryan and Peter were together.

I sighed in relief and asked Ryan, "Can you drive us? Your girlfriend just tried to kill me."

Peter laughed and said, "That’s why we never let Yasmine drive."

"A warning would be nice," I grumbled as I got out of the car and sat in the back seat.

Yasmine sat at the back with me and exclaimed, "Come on! I'm not that bad!"

"I thought I would never live to see the day!" I exclaimed. Peter sat in the passenger seat.

"She's not that bad. I like my car rides fast," Ryan winked at Yasmine. She giggled.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Let’s go eat some pizza!"

Ryan sat in the driver seat and started up my car. He was a better, and slower, driver compared to Yasmine.

I looked out of the window while they were discussing about the exam. I wasn't really into discussing exams.

I noticed the nice cars that drove past us. While we stopped at a signal I noticed a family outside a flower shop. It looked like they were waiting for a taxi. The father had walked into the shop and only the mother and the 5 year old girl was standing. The mother had the little girl in her arms and she was singing to her. The little girl giggled as the mother kissed her cheek. I don't know for how long I was staring but my eyes started to sting. I rubbed my eyes and noticed that it was wet. I quickly wiped away my tears and focused on my breathing. Why would I all of a sudden think of mom? I guess I missed that. I was so jealous of that little girl. She had a mother, the twins and I didn't.

Jealousy was a bad thing though. That little girl deserved a mother to take care of her and be with her. That little girl deserved a mother to teach her right from wrong. The husband came out of the shop and handed the flowers to the mother. She laughed and gave him a quick peck on his lips and smiled. The husband seemed pleased with his gift choice and smiled. He deserved to see his wife too. They waited in joy together. A car stopped in front of them and they entered in. I wish I had that family.

The car moved and within a few minutes we were in the parking lot of Pizza Hut. I snapped out of my daze filled with memories and wishes and stepped out of the car. 


Who's your favourite Character in the story?

Comment and stuff you awesome fans!

Kay, I'll rephrase that .. Comment and stuff you five awesome people that still read this story lol


Skye <3

~Writing Tales of Love and Heartbreak♥~

Never Ending ChangeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt