Chapter 29

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Chapter twenty-nine 

I woke up at 6 am today because dad was leaving for his meeting in the morning and I didn’t want to miss saying goodbye. The twins were still asleep, they would make a fuss if they saw dad leaving.

I gave dad a warm and tight hug. “I’ll miss you,” I said into his chest.

He kissed my head and said, “I’ll miss you too, princess. Let me go now.”

I chuckled and let him go. He ruffled my hair and said, “I’ll message you when I land.”

“You won’t call me?” I pouted.

“You’ll be in school then. I don’t want to disturb you during your education,” he explained and dragged his Navy blue cabin suitcase towards his car. He put his suitcase in the trunk and walked towards the drivers’ seat.

“Take care,” he smiled and sat inside the car, “and don’t throw parties while I’m gone.”

“I’m not that kind of girl,” I smiled and waved.

“Sure,” he winked and drove off.

“Bye!” I yelled at the car driving away.

I walked back inside. It was too late to go to sleep again and too early to get ready for school so I decided to watch some TV. It being 6:30 am meant that there was nothing on TV. There was a cooking show on the food network so I watched that.

“I wanna sleep” Shania whined.

“You can sleep once you reach Sara’s house,” I told her, “Just change your clothes and go to sleep back in the car.”

“Kay,” she pouted and ran to her closet to take out her clothes.

I shook Shane lightly causing him to groan. “Wake up,” I whispered in his ears.

“No,” he mumbled and turned away from me.

I grinned and said, “We’re going to see Holly. Get up.”

His eyes flew open. Even though his voice was groggy, he asked excitedly, “Now? Really?”

I chuckled and said, “wash your face and get dressed.”

He grinned and walked towards their bathroom. Both he and Shania loved to brush their teeth on their own sometimes. It made them feel older. Dad thought that it was signs that they were gonna be independent children.

After I got dressed for school in my black jeans and blue Simpsons t-shirt, I dressed Shania and Shane into the clothes they picked out and put them in the back seat of my car.

“We gonna see Holly?” Shane asked.

“We’ll see her in the night, I have to go to school now,” I told them as I started the car.

“Where we going now?” he asked confused.

“Sara’s house,” I smiled.

“Okay,” he said in a gloomy tone and looked out the window. I dropped them off at Sara’s house. I am really starting to trust that babysitter.

After I was done with my homework that was given to me in school today, I went into the twins’ room to check on them. Shane was on the floor playing with his toy soldiers and Shania was on the bed playing with her teddy bear. Shania seemed like she was talking to the teddy. I climbed on the bed and sat next to her.

“What are you doing, Shan?” I asked her.

“Talkin to Frankie,” she said and hugged her brown teddy bear.

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