Chapter 21

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Hey there! Don't forget to check out my book trailer on youtube. Youtube search "Never Ending Change book trailer" and it should come up.

This Chapter is dedicated to Lexi because she commented on most of my chapters and she's just ... awesome lol.


Chapter Twenty-one

We stepped into his house. Wow this place was packed!

“Let’s get something to drink!” Peter yelled in my ear and started pulling me towards where I’m guessing is the kitchen.

We reached where there was a table filled – when I say filled, I mean it – with bottles. Peter searched and found a beer bottle and a Coke. He handed me the Coke and said, “Hold it for a while.”

I shrugged and held it. He opened the caps of both the bottles. He then poured some beer in my bottle and then poured some of the Coke –and beer – from my bottle into his. He repeated this pattern almost five times and handed me my Coke.

“Here you go,” he grinned and gulped down his drink.

“I said I didn’t want alcohol!” I protested.

“I’m drinking a whole lot more than you, so stop complaining!” he said.

“Fine,” I grumbled and gingerly sipped my coke. Funnily, it didn’t taste that awful.

“Wanna dance?” he asked.

“Sure,” I smiled and followed him onto the dance floor.

Once we reached there – and started dancing – he asked “You remembered our deal right?”

I sighed and recited, “Yes, if you see a hot babe you ditch me and if I see a hot guy I’m allowed to ditch you too.”

“Awesome!” he exclaimed and gulped down another drink.

Soon enough, his beer finished. “I’m going to get another one,” he said into my ear and left.

I sighed and rested my back against the wall. I closed my eyes and sighed.

“You made it,” a familiar voice said, seductively in my ear.

“I did,” I said annoyed and opened my eyes to look at Rocky.

“Why are you always so agitated around me?” he asked, curious.

“Stop being weird with me,” I said and poked his chest.

 “Wanna dance?” he asked and slowly pulled me towards the dance floor.

“Sure,” I shrugged.

As we reached the middle of the floor, ‘Buttons’ by the Pussy Cat Dolls played loud on the speaker. I groaned. Why did this song have to be played? This was my song!

I swayed my hips from side to side.

“You like this song?” Rocky asked.

“Love it!” I exclaimed and let the music take control of my body. Well, not completely. I held back.

Back in 2006, I was high on Coca Cola and danced without a care in the world. After I danced to this song, I looked at the boys around me and saw their lust filled eyes. I shuddered at the memory.

“Stop holding back!” Rocky yelled in my ears.

“It’s better for the both of us!” I yelled back.

“It’s more fun if you let go,” he replied. I nodded and slowly let go of myself. I allowed the music take over me completely. I swayed my hips and moved my hands into the air.

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