Chapter 47

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You guys might love this chapter :P

Chapter forty-seven

We paid our share for the pizza and walked out of Pizza Hut. "You can drive us to Ryan's house," Yasmine suggested, "We’ll hang out there now."

"I wish I could," I started, "but I can't leave the twins at the babysitter’s house forever.”

They sighed and the Peter said, "Okay, drop us off at Ryan's."

I nodded and sat in the driver's seat while Peter sat in the passenger seat and Ryan and Yasmine sat in the back seat.

I dropped them off at Ryan's house and then drove to Sara's house.

I rang on her door bell. She opened the door and gave me a warm smile. "The twins are asleep, do you want to take them now or wait for them inside?"

"I think I better take them," I told her, "dad would probably be mad at me if I left them at your place when I was free."

She nodded and went inside. I stood near my car and kept the door open. She came with Shane in her arms and handed him to me. I put him in the backseat and buckled him up. Sara came back with Shania and handed her to me. I put Shania in the backseat next to Shane and buckled her up too.

"Thanks," I smiled. She nodded as I sat in the car and drove off.

I put them on the bed and walked to the kitchen. I had noticed that my house phone had two messages. The first one was from dad:

Hi, I'm not going to reach home early at 4.

Well that was short.

The second message was from Erin, my best friend:

Hey, girl! I'm super bored and free today. Call me when you get this.

I called her from my cell phone and went to my purple room.

"Stace!" Erin exclaimed as she answered.

"Hey! My exams are finally over! I'm done with high school," I said back.

She laughed and said, "Good. When are you coming here?"

"I'm not too sure," I shrugged.

"But I miss you! I can't believe I'm going to miss another birthday of yours."

"My birthday isn't till next month!"

"I already missed your 17th and 18th birthday, don't make me miss your 19th too!"

"I'll think about it."

"Think? You're getting on a plane and coming here one week before your birthday!"

"I'm not making any promises."

"Is this because of Ben?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked her confused.

"Now that you're with Ben, I'm not so important anymore," she sighed.

"You know you're more important than any friend I'll ever have! Besides, I'm not really 'with' Ben."

"Why? He doesn't like you back or did you two break up," she asked concerned.

"I didn't exactly tell him that I like him."

"Why not? He needs to know that you like him!"

"What if he doesn't like me?"

"What if he does like you? Look Stace, I've never seen you like anyone as much as you like him. You have to give this a shot."

"I don't want to lose him," I told her.

"And you won't! If he doesn't like you back, tell him you still want to be friends with him. If he's a jerk and doesn't listen to you then forget about him."

"He's not a jerk."

"Then you won't lose him. You have to go over to his place right now and tell him."

"Right now? He could be busy studying!"

"I don't care. You march over there right now."

"I can't leave the twins all alone at home."

She groaned and said, "While you wait for your dad to come back, make yourself look pretty and then you're walking over to Ben's house and speaking your heart out to him."


"When does your dad come back?"

"At 4-ish" I told her.

"So you have an hour to make yourself look pretty. I'll call you in two hours. By then you better have told Ben about how you feel."

"Or else?"

"Or else I'll tell him myself."

"How are you going to do that?"

"I sent him a friend request as we speak. Look, I love you but you need to follow your heart and you need a little push."

"I'm not liking you so much right now," I muttered.

"You're about to love me in two hours."

"You wish."

"I know you will. I'm gonna hang up now and let you prepare."

"All right," I smiled, "bye."

"Bye," she said and hung up.

I sighed. What is she making me do?

I went to my room and quickly got dressed into my black skinny and a grey t-shirt with black paint splattered over it.

I combed my hair and tied it in a high ponytail. It made me look more mature. Maybe he'll see that I'm not a kid and he'll like me. I put some eyeliner on and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked good enough to impress him but not overdressed to make him think I was going to a party.

Dad arrived sooner than I thought. He saw me and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Ben's house, just to say hi and tell him that my exams are over," I told dad.

He looked at what I was wearing and he said, "Dressed like that?"

I nodded and said, "yes and I might go to the park later too."

"Dressed like that? Is he joining you?" He asked.

"No, but I can ask him too," I said.

Something in dad's mind clicked and he smiled. "No problem, be careful."

I nodded and headed out of the house.

As I walked towards his house, I started to get nervous. What if everything goes wrong? What if I lose him? What if I lose Rocky and Daniel along with him too?

Sooner than I wanted, I reached Ben's house. I walked up to the front door and rang the bell. I wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans and waited for Ben.

His mother opened the door. She smiled at me. "Is Ben here?" I asked her. My voice cracked.

She nodded and went inside. Ben had his mother's smile, I realised.

He came out almost seconds later and smiled. The same angelic smile his mom had. "Hey!" He said. He looked at what I was wearing and asked, "Are you going out somewhere?"

"Hi, can we talk?" I asked and ignored his question. 


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