Chapter 35

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  • Посвящена My lovely and patient fans =)

So my laptop is still busted. The laptop is connected to the CRT. I will be off wattpad for a while. Till June 10. Thats when my exams end. I still haven't studied for my exams lol. Too busy with assignments.

Anyway, OMG!!!! I hate me! I left off at a cliffhanger and I didn't come back! You guys must be like "I'm dying!! What happened back there?!" .. half of you must be like "It happened so long ago, what happened?" ... then some of you may be like "she was gone? my laptop was busted too, i didnt realise".

My laptop broke, tv broke and washing machine broke lol. My friend claims that my "gadgets" are revolting against me or something. Silly boy. lol. My TV and washing machine is fine now. I don't use them both but I just wanted to let you know that I didn't have clean clothes for a day :) LOL JK, mom washed by hands :(

Check out the song on your right. She's AMAZING! Better than the "Im sorry cookies" I was gonna give you guys!


Chapter 35 

I was awake, but my eyes weren’t open yet. The bed I was on felt harder, this wasn’t my bed, but it wasn’t dad’s bed either. My hands and legs seemed stuck together. I couldn’t move it apart. I opened my eyes in a flash and saw an unfamiliar environment. Where was I?

I looked down at my hands and saw that my left hand was handcuffed to the bed post. My legs were handcuffed to each other too. I scanned around and saw a man, around the age of 25, typing something on his cell phone. He looked at me and then continued typing something fiercely into his phone.

“Where am I?” I asked him.

“Shut up,” he yelled and went back to typing.

I looked around and saw Shane and Holly sleeping beside me. I thanked heaven that they weren’t tied up like me. They were sleeping peacefully. Where were Ben and Shania? Why were we here?

I had so many more questions but when a man in a leather jacket walked in, I stayed silent.

“So the princess is finally up, eh?” he said and came closer to me.

“Where am I?” I asked afraid. Something in me was telling me to be terrified of him and that he was going to harm me.

“Somewhere far away from your daddy,” he replied calmly. “Sit upright,” he instructed.

I did as he said and asked, “why am I here? Why are they here?” He sat on the bed next to me.

“You’re my hostage,” he replied calmly.

My jaw dropped. “Ho-hostage?” I stuttered, “Why?”

“I’ve given you enough answers,” he said and got off the bed. “I’ll check on you in an hour”.

“You cannot keep us here! You need to tell me what you want from me!” I exclaimed.

His calm façade faded, his expressions hardened when he said, “I’ve told you enough. Don’t test me and make me hurt you because I can do that.”

I nodded quickly and said, “Sorry.”

“Good,” he said giving me a sinister smile and left the room.

The man at the door still didn’t look at me, he continued typing into his phone.

I stared at the handcuffs and wished it disappeared. I felt like a criminal when I did absolutely nothing.

“Would you tell me what’s going on here?” I asked the guy at the wooden door.

“No,” he replied coldly.

Never Ending ChangeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя