Chapter 12

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Heya guys!!

So I had some extra time today so I proof-read as much as I could! I just hired an editor and she'll edit my stories from the next chapter onwards. I feel so powerful having an employee :D

I'll add any other messages at the end of the chapter.

The song on your right is Joe Jonas - See No More. Joe is singing about Ben's feelings for Sabrina lol xD


Chapter twelve

It’s afternoon and I’m getting the twins ready for their play date. “Are you suwer that Holly’s gonna be there?” Shane asked excited.

“I’m positive,” I smiled.

“Will she talk to me too?” Shania asked while combing her dolls hair.

“If you ask her to, I’m sure she will,” I said kissed her forehead while combing her hair and tying it into a fountain style ponytail.

“Do I look okay?” Shane asked while running his fingers through his hair.

“You look amazing,” I said and gave him a flying kiss.

“And me?” Shania asked.

“Like a princess,” I said and kissed her cheek.

“Aren’t you going to tell me how I look?” I asked them with puppy eyes.

“Pwettier than a pwincess,” Shania said and kissed my cheek.

“Pwettier than Shania,” Shane said and stuck his tongue out at Shania.

“All right,” I chuckled, “go downstairs, I’ll be there soon.”

They ran downstairs.

I quickly put on my eye-liner and lip balm and went downstairs. I put them in the back seat of my car, fastened their seat belt and got in.

“How long till we reach?” Shane asked.

“I don’t know,” I said, “but soon.”

Truth is, I think I’m lost. I have no idea where we are. I’ve been following signs that lead me to ‘Winter Park’ but we still haven’t reached yet.

I saw another sign that said ‘Winter Park’ and the arrow pointed forward. I followed that one and finally saw the park. “We’re here,” I told them and breathed out. They would be so disappointed if we didn’t make it.

I parked in the parking lot, unbuckled their seatbelts and we got out. Now all we have to do is find Benjamin. I sighed. This was gonna be a long day. Maybe I should have saved his number. It would have been way easier then.

“Stacey!” I heard Benjamin yelling. I turned around and saw him walking towards me hold Holly on his arms. “Glad you made it,” he smiled, “Holly was starting to get sad.”

“No, I wasn’t,” Holly said and slapped his cheek.

“We were… exploring the roads,” I said.

“No,” Shania said, “We were lost.”

Benjamin chuckled and said, “Maybe we should all come here together next time.”

“We play now?” Holly asked impatiently.

“Sure,” Benjamin said, kissed her cheek and let her go.

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