Chapter 53

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The first few chapters need proof reading, I'm working on it but it's taking so long *sigh*. Anyway here's the final chapter of this book.. hope you guys like it :)

This chapter's dedicated to Eliza because she's awesome and she wanted the story to be never ending as well hehe :P



Chapter 53

I was watching TV with mom when suddenly my phone rang. "Hey, Ben," I answered.

"I'm Holly!" A little girl replied.

"Hey, Holly! How are you?" I asked her.

"I'm good. Is Shane there?" She asked. I heard Ben encouraging her to say something.

"He's in his room. Why?" I had a smile on my face. I never spoke to Holly through the phone before.

"Can he come to my home?" she innocently asked.

"What about me and Shania?" I asked her.

I heard Ben tell her something. She then said, “You and Shania can come too.”

“When I come to your house will you give me gifts?” I joked.

“Okay,” she giggled.

The next voice I heard was Ben’s. “Hey there,” he greeted me warmly.

“Hi,” I greeted back. There were butterflies in my stomach. It doesn’t flutter every time I spoke to him now, but it still fluttered.

“Holly really wants you guys to come home," he told me.

"Holly or you?" I chuckled.

"Both of us miss you terribly," he said. I heard Holly giggle.

"Hold on, let me check with mom," I informed him.

"Sure," he said coolly.

I turned to mom and asked, "Can the twins and I go to Ben's house?"

"Sure, but be home before it becomes dark," she instructed.

"Love you!" I exclaimed and kissed her cheek.

"Love you too," she chuckled as I got off the couch and ran upstairs.

"We'll be there in a few minutes," I told him.

"I'm waiting," he taunted and then hung up the phone.

I went to Shane's room and found them staring at each other. "What are you doing?" I asked them.

Shania turned to me and said, "A game."

"Do you want to go to Holly's house? She wants to play with you," I told them.

"Okay!" Shane grinned and ran downstairs.

Shania still sat near her bed. "Aren't you going to come with me?" I asked her in concern. She shook her head. "Do you want to play with mommy? I know she wants to play with you."

"Really?" She asked amazed.

"Yes, take your toy and go to mommy and tell her you want to play with her," I instructed.

She grinned and ran downstairs.

I laughed and quickly walked down the stairs. I heard mom playing with Shania in the TV room. Shane looked at me eagerly. I opened the door and let him out.

He held my hand and we walked towards Ben's house. I had to admit, I was anxious to meet him. I didn't see him yesterday because he had to take care of some family errands. His cousin, Erik, was visiting his family next week.

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