Chapter 44

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I got a new fan! Yay! lol anyway, here's a recap and then chapter 44 :D

Chapter forty-four

It was almost evening. After what felt like hours of driving, I could recognise our neighbourhood. I saw my house from far and I had mixed feelings. I was happy that we were reaching home but I was scared that we were nearing a place that didn't feel safe anymore.

"Are we there yet?" Shane whined.

"Yes, Shane. We're home" dad told him.

"Yay!" He and Shania exclaimed.

As soon as we stopped in front of the house, I didn't feel too good. My breathing came out uneven and I started feeling unwell. I started to hyperventilate.

"Dad," I said. My voice came out as if I was being chocked.

"What is it?" He asked worried.

"I don't think I'm ready, dad," I whimpered. I tried to keep my voice strong, but I don't think it works anymore. I can't be strong anymore.

"Nothing is going to happen, I'm there so no one can even come close to you," he reassured me.

I nodded, but the feeling was still there.

Dad opened the door with his key and the twins ran inside. I stood below the front steps. I couldn't go inside.

"Stacey," dad sighed, "come in, there is no one here except us."

"I'll come inside later," I told him. I knew he didn't believe me so I looked around for an excuse. I immediately laid eyes on one, Ben. "Ben's coming," I smiled.

He looked around and saw Ben. He sighed and went inside.

I patiently waited for Ben. He waved and I waved back and grinned. How could I not grin when I see him smile? He has a nice walk too, it's so confident. When I realised that I was probably drooling, I looked at my nails and started fidgeting with them.

"You're here!" He exclaimed as he came closer.

"I had to, some day or the other," I shrugged.

"Aren't you going to go in?" He asked.

"You just got here, how can I go in and leave you outside," I lied.

He examined my face for a second and then stated, "You’re avoiding your house, aren't you?"

"What?" I scoffed, in a guilty way, "no I'm not! Why would you think that?"

"All right, let's go in then. I'm thirsty and I could use some water."

"You can go in and get it. You know where it is," I said. I wasn't going to go in at any cost.

"Stacey," he sighed, "you have to come inside."

"I can't," I struggled, "I thought I was ready, I guess I'm not."

He came closer and caught my hand. "You changed. The girl I knew was fearless and would do anything to protect and take care of her siblings. I miss her," he said. I could tell that he was disappointed in me.

"I haven't changed!" I exclaimed.

"Prove it. Come inside with me and find a box of cookies and give it to Shane and Shania to eat," he challenged.

I looked up into his eyes. He wasn't backing down from his challenge. I didn't want to do it, I didn't want to let him down either. I was so confused.

He squeezed my hand and said, "I'm here for you". He stood on the steps and said "let's go."

I slowly climbed up the stairs and asked "I'm here. Now you can go in and get your water or cookies."

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