Chapter 14

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Chapter fourteen:

School. I always seemed to dread this day. There was a test today and I don’t think I was really prepared for it. Ryan told me that if it’s Mr Sanchez setting the test paper then it’s going to be really tough. I understand that he’s trying to prepare me for what’s going to happen, but he didn’t have to scare me!

I dropped Shane and Shania off at their babysitters’ and drove to school.

I entered class and sat next to Ryan. We still haven’t spoken properly since that day. “Are you prepared?” he asked me.

“Kinda,” I answered, “I hope I pass.”

“Hey, at least you have an excuse to fail, I don’t.” he mumbled.

“Excuse?” I asked.

“Yeah, you joined late, you’re allowed to fail.” he winked.

“My dad would kill me if I failed,” I groaned. Soon enough, Mr. Sanchez dropped our paper on our desk.

I think I just may ace this test. Well, maybe I’ll pass. Or I could try to bribe Mr. Sanchez into letting me pass. I mean my dad is a producer. That counts as something, right?

“How was it?” I heard Ryan ask from behind me after the test.

“Good,” I smiled and then shrugged, “I’m hoping to pass.”

Ryan chuckled and said “I’ll be lucky if I get a pass mark.” We walked out of the class.

Yasmine and Peter walked slowly towards us. Both of them were grinning.

“What are they happy about?” Ryan asked me.

“I have no idea,” I shrugged.

“Guess what?” Yasmine asked.

“What?” Ryan asked confused.

“I think we’re gonna ace this test,” Yasmine said.

“How?” I asked.

“I cheated,” she grinned, “off Peter.”

Ryan gasped and asked “Peter, you let her cheat off you?” Peter never cheats!

“I couldn’t refuse her request,” Peter grinned, “Now that we’re friends with benefits.”

“What?” Ryan asked almost angry.

“You guys are dating now?” I asked confused.

“It’s a long story,” Yasmine sighed.

“But I’ll say it anyway,” Peter grinned, “since she doesn’t have a boyfriend and I don’t have a girlfriend we’re going to go out with each other.”

“That’s a stupid reason to go out with each other,” Ryan said.

“It’s funny actually,” I smiled. Ryan sent me a tiny glare.

“It’s like you’re taking advantage of the foreigner,” Ryan said to Peter.

“Well I can’t help it if the foreigner is so damn hot,” Peter said and kissed Yasmine’s cheek.

“You flatter me,” Yasmine grinned, “I’ll go get me something to eat.”

“See you later,” Peter said, “and get me something to eat too.”

“Sure,” Yasmine said, blew him an air kiss and left.

“Seriously,” Ryan said to Peter, “Don’t use her for the wrong reasons.”

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