Chapter 22

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I didn't get as many comments in the previous chapters as I'd like *sad face*. I guess that's ok. It's just depressing and not encouraging sometimes.


Chapter twenty-two

The door squeaked open revealing Benjamin in black shorts and a white vest. “What’s going on?” Ben asked.

“We’re gonna get laid!” he exclaimed and continued kissing my neck.

“No, we’re not,” I cried out and tried pushing the guy all over my neck away but he wouldn’t budge.

Ben sighed and said “Dan, get off her.”

“No,” the guy over me said.

Ben walked over and peeled him off me. “Thanks,” I mumbled and got off the bed.

Ben pushed the blue-eyed guy on the bed so that he was sleeping. “See you tomorrow morning,” Ben told him.

“No,” the guy whined.

Ben stood near the door and asked me, “Let’s go?”

I nodded and walked out the door and waited for him to close the door.

I walked with him till we reached a balcony. He opened the door and I walked. He sat on the bench and asked me to join him. “Did he try anything more with you?” he asked.

I shook my head and sat down next to him. “You came just in time,” I told him.

He smiled and said, “He probably wouldn’t have gone far anyway.”

“What do you mean?” I asked confused.

“He’s probably already passed out now,” Ben chuckled.

“Oh,” I whispered. I didn’t know what to feel right now. I was so scared … now I’m so relieved.

“Are you okay?” he asked and slowly put his arms around my shoulders. I nodded as an answer. “You’re quieter,” he commented.

“I’m sorry,” I apologized and sighed, “I’m just … shaken up.”

He rubbed my shoulder with his hands and said, “I’m sorry he did that. He doesn’t mean it.”

“Huh?” I asked confused. He was defending rapist guy?

“He’s a good guy. He’s just unstable when he’s drunk. We usually need to keep an eye on him,” he explained.

“Okay,” I said. I didn’t understand him but if he says that guy is good, then he’s good.

“He’s my best friend,” he continued, “I’ve known him for a long time. With his conscience, he’ll apologize first thing in the morning and I won’t even have to force him.”

“Are you sure?” I questioned timidly.

He smiled and kissed my forehead “I’m positive.”

‘Think of something else’ I told myself. My cheeks started burning up. He kissed my forehead!

“Do you have a curfew?” he asked after a few minutes of silence.

“Before midnight,” I told him.

He chuckled and said “you better get home then.”

“I like it here,” I mumbled honestly.

“It’s 12:15,” he stated.

“Oh crap!” I exclaimed and got up.

I lifted my dress up slightly to remove the phone from my pocket. The time showed ’12:16’. I’m so dead.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” I told him and headed out.

He followed me. “I’ll drop you home,” he said.

“I can go by myself,” I said as I ran down the stairs.

“I insist,” he said as he opened the front door.

I walked quickly – almost ran - down the road. “You don’t have to do this you know,” I said.

“I want to,” he smiled.

“You’re nice,” I grinned as we reached my house.

“Thank you,” he smiled.

I rang my door bell. The door opened revealing dad in a robe. “See ya,” Ben waved and walked away.

I waved back and turned to look at dad’s angry face.

“You’re late,” he stated.

“I know, I’m sorry,” I apologized. He stepped out of the door and came outside.

“Why are you late?” he asked.

“I kinda got caught up in the party,” I said.

“You’re grounded,” he stated, “for two weeks.”

“Dad!” I whined.

“Three weeks?” he questioned.

I put my head low. “Two would do fine, can we go in?”

“No, we’re gonna stand out for a while and talk,” he said.

“But it is cold,” I whined and rubbed my arms.

“Cover up next time,” he pointed out. I sighed.

“So ... mom called me,” I said.

“Really?” he asked shocked.

“Yeah, she called to say ‘hi’ and stuff,” I told him.

“How did she sound?” he asked.

“Almost normal, a bit guilty, didn’t she call you?”

“She did, I just wanted to know what she sounded like to you.”

“What you talk about with her?” I asked.

“We spoke about the twins, you, my job, and her struggle,” he listed.

“Anything about when she’s coming out?” I asked.

“No, she’s restarting the 12-step program,” he said.

“From the beginning?” I asked with shock.

“Yeah, but she has a nurse with her 24/7 now so she’ll less likely to fall off track,” he said.

“That’s nice,” I whispered.

“I’m gonna go early in the morning for shopping, I’ll bring breakfast too,” he said.

“Okay,” I yawned.

“Let’s go in,” he put his arms around my shoulder. I nodded.


So what did you think? Ben is friends with rapist-guy? Doesn't that just change your perspective on things? lol

And He kissed her forehead, like awwwww.

Don't you think it was awww? Comment saying awww! DO IT! lol

And is her Daddy mean? He's just being a dad, over protective and all that :P

Yeah, so vote, comment! Please??

And love you guys!!






~Writing Tales of Love and Heartbreak ♥ ~

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