Chapter 40

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University resumes on Monday, I'm trying to figure out a schedule of when to upload, Fridays are impossible but I'm not too sure. I'll Let you guys know.

Chapter forty

Dad, Shane, Shania and I were in the big elevator, going up to our hotel room. Our luggage was not with us, it was with the bell boy who was already upstairs in our room setting up the luggage.

“How long are we here?” Shane asked dad.

“We have to go back before mommy comes home!” Shania reminded dad.

“We’re here until Stacey tells us to go,” Dad told them.

“I don’t wanna go home,” I whispered to dad.

“You have to before your school starts,” dad said, “We can stay here four days maximum.”

“Can’t you re-check in?” I asked.

“Maybe I can, but I won’t,” dad said in a scolding tone, “I’m not going to let this fear take over you.”

“But Dad!” I whined.

Ting. The door opened and dad exited without a word. I groaned and followed him out.

We walked into our room, room 204, and I gasped in surprise. This room was beautiful. It had a king side bed with 4 brown pillows, 2 small and 2 big, and cream sheets. The bed was brown too. The lamp shades next to the bed were white.

“I hope you enjoy your stay in the presidential suite,” the bell boy said with a polite smile.

“Thank you,” dad said and gave him a tip. The bell boy grinned and left our room.

“What do you think?” dad asked me.

“I love this place! Can we live here forever?” I asked dad.

He shook his head and said, “You know my reply to that.”

Shane climbed on the bed and said, “It’s soft!”

Shania climbed on the bed too and started jumping on it. “Come Tacey!” she said.

“I’m too big to jump,” I told her and sat on the bed.

“I’m a big girl too,” Shania said and continued jumping.

“You kids have fun, I’m going,” dad said and walked away from us.

“No!” I yelled afraid.

“What?” he asked me confused.

“Don’t leave us alone,” I begged.

“I’m just going to the washroom,” he said unsure.

“Please?” I asked him for the last time.

He sighed and said, “Shane, look after your sisters and make sure no one hurts them, okay?”

“Is this big boy job?” Shane asked.

“Yes, it’s a very big boy job” dad replied.

“Okay!” Shane exclaimed excited and sat on my lap.

Dad walked away, and I watched him do that in fear.

“Don’t be scawed, I save you! Dada says I’m big boy now!” He said.

I smiled and said, “Really? Well then I should listen to the big boy, right?” He nodded.

Shania got off the bed and walked towards the mini-fridge. “Where are you going?” Shane asked her.

“I wanna see in the draws!” she said and tried to open the mini-fridge. Shane grinned and ran to her. Together they both pulled open the door and looked inside the mini-fridge.

Shania took out a bottle of orange juice and gave it to me. “Open!” she said.

“We can’t open this, it’s not ours,” I told her and got up to put the bottle back in the fridge.

“But this is our home!” Shania said and tried to block my path from the fridge.

“No, we cannot take these things. They’re expensive!” I tried to explain.

Dad walked back into the room and said, “What’s going on?”

“She wants to have juice from the mini-fridge,” I told dad.

“There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s harmless.”

“But it’s expensive!”

“You wanted to stay here forever, but you don’t wanna drink the juice because it’s expensive?” dad asked in disbelief.

“Fine,” I told dad. I gave him the juice and sat on the bed angrily.

Dad poured the juice in the glass and gave it to Shania. He poured more into another glass and gave it to Shane, who happily took it.

“Want some?” dad asked me. I shook my head. “Let’s eat. What do you want to order, Stacey?” he asked.

I picked up the wooden menu and looked through it. Everything was so expensive so I settled on a club sandwich. Dad ordered a club sandwich too. He would share the fries that he got with the club sandwich with the twins.

The bell boy returned with two big plates of club sandwiches. I took my plate and started eating the sandwiches hungrily. I hadn’t eaten in a day, my stomach greedily welcomed the food given to it.

“Slow down, Stace,” dad said amused.

“I’m hungry,” I stated and continued eating. When I was done with the sandwiches, I started eating the fries. Soon, I had wiped the plate clean.

“Do you want more?” dad asked.

I shook my head and said, “No.”

I turned on the TV and started watching the news. Shane and Shania were jumping on the bed next to me. They claimed they weren’t hungry, so they didn’t eat.

There was a knock on the door. I looked at dad in confusion. He got up and went to open the door. Dad returned with a smile on his face. “You have a visitor,” he said.

“Who?” I asked confused.

“Me,” I heard a familiar voice say.

And then, Ben’s face entered my vision. “Hey,” he smiled. He looked amazing.


Comment away :)

It's my friend's birthday today so I uploaded! He's not on wattpad, or reads my stories but you're getting an upload so dont complain :P

Also listen to Skyscraper - Demi Lovato. AMAZING song!

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