Chapter 6

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I wake up in my perfect room, with my now perfect life. Thank god it wasn't a dream. I check the time and see I was able to sleep in for the first in forever, at the perfect time of 8:30 am. Not the latest time someone can sleep in, but for me, it's the best it's going to get. 

I decide I better get up and drag myself out of bed, and venture to the bathroom. My bathroom is very white and modern sense to it. With a clear glass shower in the corner and a white basic tub across from the counter and a full wall mirror. 

Last night when I was in here I didn't take the time to actually enjoy the bathroom but know... wow. I decide to take a shower and man was it glorious. Granted it took like 45 minutes I was in love. 

I get out and walk over to my backpack which I forgot to unpack last night and take out a pair of black leggings and an oversized grey shirt again covering my bruises. I decide that it's time to go downstairs for breakfast, and I will unpack later. 

Walking down the stairs feels weird, this place seems so familiar but so different at the same time. During my daydreaming, I make my way into the dining room where no one was sitting. I remember that Dante said breakfast is at 7:00 every weekday morning. And seeing as how it is Tuesday no one hear makes sense, I walk into the kitchen for something. I see a maid... I think... she was cleaning the kitchen her outfit was a plain white button-up short sleeve shirt and a black flowy skirt going just above her knees. 

She had her gray hair tied into a tight bun with a few pieces having falling out. She had bright blue eyes, with wrinkles surrounding them. She turned around having noticed me and smiled at me and put down the sponge she was using. She reached into the oven and grabbed a plate and set it down on the counter with bar stools. 

I took a seat in front of the plate, " Hello dear, I'm Maria your brother's and now your's head maid. Your brothers wanted to let you sleep in this morning but asked me to save you some breakfast. Jayin and Jorden asked me to prepare a smaller plate for you. Dante and Enzo went to school and Matteo went to work but Luca and Marco stayed behind." She informed me as I ate hash browns and eggs simple but my favorite. 

I nodded in understanding and she took my empty plate and washed it. I would have done that but she took it from me and slightly glared at me when I went to protest. "Goodbye, Maria have a good day," I announced while walking out of the kitchen to find my triplets. 

I found them in the living room with Luca watching a movie but not Marco. When they saw me they all announced good morning in a weird synced fashion. I sat down next to Jay and Luca," So I told Jay and Jorden but we will be going shopping to get you guys school supplies and we noticed that you each only had a backpack so we will also be buying a whole new wardrobe. We leave in 20 minutes so get ready." Luca chirped at me. 

We all got up and got our shoes on we were going to leave until I asked " Is Marco going to come?" Luca paused and said that he didn't know but I was welcome to invite him but he might say no he usually does. I nod and walk up the stairs to the door that Dante showed us that should be Marco's room.

I knock at the door and am met with a confused Marco. He looks down at me questioning why I am there. " Luca is taking us shopping do you want to join us?" He hesitates in answering, " Please come with us" I show him puppy eyes. He is the only brother I haven't talked to well Enzo as well but he has expressed he doesn't like to us so his fault. 

Marco sighs and nods his head while closing his door making me trail behind him. Damn, why is everyone so tall in this family I can never keep up? We make our way downstairs and Luca seems surprised that I got Marco to come with us. 

I've noticed that Marco is really quiet like he only talks when a nod won't convey his answer. He left dinner as soon as his plate was empty, when we met him as soon as he said his name he walked back to his room I'm assuming. The rest of the family doesn't really mention him when they make plans or tell stories. 

Well, today I'm going to make it my personal mission to make him talk and open up. 

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