Chapter 26

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Jul's POV

Waking up I feel a heavy weight on top of my chest, looking down I see Enny asleep on me with a little bit of drool on his chin. I move him off of me and walk towards my bathroom. 

Changing out of my clothes I stand in front of the mirror and notice the scar that runs from on my side just under my breasts. The memory of how I got that will always be fresh in my head. One night I had come home late after a race to find Erica awake and waiting for me. 

Convinced I was out whoring myself not only did she beat me she took it a step farther to grab a knife and slice open my skin. I can still see her smile as she listened to my screams and watched my tears fall down my face. She left me there, where Jordy found me the next morning. 

Since that night we have never spoken about what happened only that it did happen. Shaking off the memories I walk into the giant ass shower. The white bathroom was matched with matte black accents. Black and white pictures hung on the wall across from the mirror. 

I wash off the black cherry body wash and wrap myself in a black fluffy towel. Walking out of the bathroom Enny is still asleep cuddled up to a pillow, I walk into the closet grabbing a swim suit, shorts, and a simple crop top. Last night at dinner Nonno told us we will be going on the boat today. 

Walking out I wake up Enny by slightly shaking his shoulder. He rubs his eyes slightly smiling at me. "Hi, Enny you need to get ready for the boat." I move the hair out of his face. Last night i had told Laura that I would take on the responsibility to dress Enny in the morning and at night since we are sharing a room. 

Walking him into the bathroom I brush his hair and listen as he tells me how to style it. I grab his clothes as he goes to the bathroom. Grabbing a shirt and swim trunks, I grab a backpack and put each of us in a change of clothes if we get cold or want to change. 

I hand him the clothes ad tell him to meet me in the kitchen and we can get breakfast. Walking in Matteo and Jameson sat at the island drinking a cup of coffee." Mornin." I walk over to the fridge and grab my apple juice. 

Both of them said morning, this is probably the first time I have seen either of them without a suit on. They both wore a black shirt and black shorts. You know if they didn't have different hair and eye colors you would think that they were twins. 

Walking into the kitchen Jordy and Enzo walk over to the fridge as well with Dante and Jayin trailing behind with their disheveled and dragging their feet. 

"Coffee please Jul Jul." Jay's soft voice sounding like a baby reminded me of when we were younger and he wanted me to do smothering. 

I shake my head at him but get him coffee regardless along with putting bread in the taste for him and Jordy. I walk over to him and give him his cup. Enny walks in the kitchen with the V twins following him both looking like they just woke up. 

Jameson just scoffs at his younger siblings' antics and goes back to his coffee.

With the toast done I grab the butter and place it on Jay's along with some sugar. Jordy gets some peanut butter with a glass of water. This routine had been put on hold when we moved with Luca always making us breakfast but regardless I made it like od times. 

I put the plates down and grabbed Enny a bowl of cereal with milk. I grab a couple of eggs for Enzo. Grabbing the oatmeal for Luca and a pop tart for Dante. Over these past weeks, I've learned what each boy likes for breakfast. Matteo won't eat until later. 

With that done I continue drinking my apple juice ignoring the stares from everyone that had eventually filed into the kitchen. I had noticed them and put a fresh pot of coffee on as we were almost out. 

"Aright well when everyone is down we will head to the boat," Nonno told us in his usual no-bullshit tone. Nodding my head I walk over to him giving him a kiss on the forehead and hugging Nonna I go back upstairs and grab the backpack with my and Enny's things. I head into Jay and Jordy's room to get them their own stuff as I know that they will forget. 

Walking downstairs everyone is down and we head to the boat. Nonno reading that way as the island is small enough to walk everywhere, a car isn't necessary. 

Wlaing to the boat my jaw dropped like damn a boat this was a yacht. The money was practically screaming at me, sometimes I forget how rich they are. 

Walking across the bridge, Nickolai grabbed my hand and helped me take my step down I muttered thank you continue to walk towards where Nonno was. Watching him we all took our seats periodically across the boat. 

Nonno told us that a car or two would be at the dock for us on our way back as we would probably be tired.

We spent the whole day jumping from the boat, we ate lunch on the boat. The swimsuit I had worn was a two-piece so my scar was visible but thankfully no one had asked until, "What that's on your side, Julie." Enny's concerned voice had drawn everyone else's attention towards it. 

Gulping me and Jorden looked at each other Jay just as confused where the scar had come from, " Well before I had lived here I was in a bad home and got hurt really bad." I tried to tell him in a way that didn't confuse him but for ridding of any other questions. 

"Oh, does it hurt?" Of course, my static partially worked. 

"Not anymore."

"Was it a monster that did it?"

"Yeah, Vinny a monster did it." This time Jorden spoke for me. He knew how hard it was for me to talk about it. 

With that everyone went back to their conversation while I snuck out to the back of the boat away from everyone feeling overwhelmed. 

Jayin followed me out, "You never told me about that scar." His tone hardened as he didn't have to ask what caused it.

"I didn't want to worry you, Jordy only knows because he found me." I tried to keep the tears in remembering our childhood and how every moment was filled with fear. He hugged me wiped the tears that escaped. 

We stayed like that until I stopped and we came back inside where everyone else was and Nonno was driving us back to the island. 

I sat between Jordy and Nickolai. I felt myself falling asleep, allowing it to happen I felt my head move and heard a whisper. 

"Goodnight, Моя богиня"

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