Chapter 41

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Matteo's POV

Today is the day. With Jul finally healed enough for her to go back to school, me and Calvin agreed that we can finally kill Leon. 

So far he has been stuck in the cells below our warehouse. We were waiting till Jul was healthy enough as the triplets have a much more personal vendetta against him. 

Here we are sitting in my office the youngest string at me. 

"Today we will be killing Leon." The triplets perk up at the mention of the bastard. " We figured that you three would like a chance to talk to him. You don't have to you can leave the room at any time."

"I'm in. Let's go." Jul moves towards the door. Since she has been home her mood has been more dampened, she seems more on edge than before. I can't blame her she was just shot and almost died. 

Nodding my head at Clavin he leads us all downstairs. The stench of blood has everyone scrunching up their nose except Jul. She walks as if she owns the place, her head held high, giving no second glances at any of the horror down here. 

The blood seeping from behind the doors, the coughs of the sick people, and their pleas to be freed. She takes it all in stride, she moves behind Clavin. 

Stopping at the last door Clavin looks to me for permission before letting Jul see behind the steel door. 

I nod, he breathes in and opens the door. After Marco was safe, Enzo came here when Jul was still in danger. He did a number on him. 

His face was unrecognizable, the blood staining the floor. The metal chain once silver is now brown from the dried blood. 

Jul walks in allowing the rest of us to pile in the room. The triplets stand off to the side slightly whispering to each other. Clavin stands in front of Leon smacking him successfully waking him up. 

"Welcome back. You ready to get started?" Clavin taunts Leon, getting in his face softening his voice. Leon shakes in fear seeing Calvin and Enzo in the room. During his time here they were the only ones who ever touched him I only asked him questions. 

Leon turns his head towards the triplets slightly smiling at them. Enzo moves in front of him blocking his view noticing how he looks Jul up and down. 

I nod at the triplets signaling them they can start with their torture. 

Jul moves forward and punches him in the eye. His head lulls to the side and the blood drips out of his mouth. She doesn't stop for thirty minutes the endless hits some from her and Jorden each trading off. 

Blood stains their clothes along with their fists. Jayin stands off to the side never joining in but he doesn't have his normal shudder at blood. 

Jul and Jordy back off both breathing hard leaving barley alive Leon trying to catch his breath. 

"Jay, go ahead." Jorden motioned his head for his brother to come over. He and Jul take a step back. 

Jay moves over to the table with our weapons, he picks up the small knife. He brings himself over to Leon, never uttering a word increasing the level of confusion and fear in the room. 

Within a second the knife was stuck under his ribcage. His screams filled the room almost deafening. Jayin twisted and pulled the blade out. Leon's whimpering only seemed to satisfy Jayin as he repeated this process on the other side of his ribs. 

With Leon bleeding out Jayin stepped back and grabbed the rag Enzo offered him. Jayin back towards Jorden allowing Jul to step forward. 

She moved towards the same table of tools, she picked up the pair of pliers. "Jorden," Jul spoke causing Jorden to step forward in silence following her quiet command. 

Jorden pulled his head back, holding open his mouth. Jul pushed the pliers into his mouth gripping his back molar. She pulled on the tool, taking his tooth with her. 

Leon screamed as more teeth came out. Jul never letting up. She moved her pliers to his hand, his mouth bleeding with inaudible words and screams escaping. 

She positioned her pliers on his nail and pulls. The blood dripped on the ground, with the small tap the nail made when she dropped it on the floor. 

After every nail and tooth was removed and dropped on the ground. Jul stepped back before moving towards the table. She deposited the pair of pliers on the table grabbing the hammer. 

She moved back into the light letting Leon see her new weapon, his eyes spreading wide in fear at her devilish smile appeared. 

She moved towards him bringing the hammer above her head and bringing it down on his knee. The crack was heard signaling that she had broken his knee. We all cringed as she moved onto his elbows and other knee. 

After letting her have her turn, she stepped back allowing all of us to see her damage. Leon was left bloody and barely breathing. Not one spot was not covered in fresh blood, his face tear stricken and throat probably hoarse from all of the pain inflicted today in a short amount of time. 

Jul stepped back over to her twin, Jorden, and Jayin grabbed her shoulders pulling her to them allowing her to hug them and give her comfort. Even if she would never say anything I could tell that she felt responsible for Marco. 

Jorden nodded towards Clavin signaling to us that they were done. Calvin moved forward bringing Leon's head back giving me a clear shot. I moved forward gripping the gun from behind my back. Tightening my hold on the gun I brought it in front of me aiming for Leon's head, avoiding Calvin's hand. 

Pulling back the hammer I move my pointer finger to the trigger. With seeing the fear in Leon's eye I pulled the trigger back. The sound echoed in the room and Leon's body slumped forward. 

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