Chapter 1

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Time Skip 2 years

Jul's POV

Ughhhh. That damn alarm, moving my arm over I slap the snooze button relishing in the extra 9 minutes of sleep. Sadly those 9 minutes go by in seconds, every morning for 2 years I have been waking up at 5:30 in the morning to get ready for the long-ass day ahead.

Getting up I move towards my closet pulling out my leggings and sports bra and sneakers. On my way downstairs I pull my hair up in a tight ponytail not caring about it not being fully brushed out, I just run my fingers through it. Walking through to the basement I am met with a boxing ring and gym equipment. The entirety of the basement is used for training, a section for weapons, a station for hand-to-hand combat, and a final section for actually working out.

Moving towards the punching bag I wrap my hands and begin my assault. When my arms feel like they are going to fall off I decide to stop and head upstairs to get ready.

Entering my room I make my way toward my bathroom. Walking in I grab a towel from under the sink and place it on the counter. Reaching my hand in the shower I turn on the water letting it warm up. When the water is acceptable I get in and begin my routine, washing my hair, trying it up and out of the way, washing my body, and shaving.

With one final rinse, I get out of the shower wrapping the towel around myself. Grabbing a hand towel I wipe the steam from the mirror. Brushing my teeth I finish up in the bathroom. Leaving for my closet I pick out my outfit, black pants, and a black sleeveless turtle neck, and layer a black blazer over it. I throw on my Russo necklace and my diamond charm bracelet. I finish by going to my vanity and doing my hair and makeup. I do a natural look not wanting to wear a lot of makeup. I curl my hair loosely and throw it up in a high ponytail. I pull out a few pieces in the front to frame my face. Satisfied I grab my black heels and move downstairs by 7:00.

Walking into my kitchen I am met with the sleek black aesthetic, I move towards my coffee maker and begin brewing my first cup. I start my breakfast by grabbing the fruit from my fridge. I grab the strawberries, cantaloupe, and peaches. I cut everything and put it in my bowl and finish making my coffee. I grab my fork and sit on the island and begin eating while scrolling through my phone.

When I finish I clean up my mess before leaving for the garage. I pick out a random pair of keys and make my way towards the car, this one is matte black and had no back seat. I make my way in it and leave my house leaving I stop by at the gate where the guards stand watch 24/7.

"Hello, Ms. Russo, off to work." Christian the head of security greets me as he has every morning for the past 2 years.

"Yes, Christian. Rose should be by soon in a few hours be sure to let her in and text me when she gets here please." I lean my head out of the window to talk to him a bit better. There is a small post on each side one guard in each stand, Christian always checks on them every shift change sometime after I get up a new set of guards will be traded out. As part of Christian job, he is in charge of keeping my house safe his suggestion when setting up was to have a random shift change so that no pattern was established along with constant people changing locations around the house.

The only people who never changed were Christian and my personal guard and driver, Joesph. I have tried to call him Joe but he said it always made him sound like a tool.

Joesph worked at my direction, since I was going to work and had a separate security team he was not needed I mainly had him work when I had public events other times he would work around my house as a guard.

Saying my farewells to Christian I drive off to work. When I picked this location I was drawn in by the privacy it had. It was far enough that if you didn't know there was a house you would continue driving. Cameras were set up along the property, the border had hidden cameras in trees that were monitored daily and checked on monthly.

When I started house shopping I wanted something new and fresh, so I decided to find a piece of land and have a private contractor build it to my standards. Everything was picked to my standards from the marble countertops to the grand staircase that was overly dramatic. Don't judge it's my house and my staircase.

Continuing the 25 minutes toward Ivano Industries, I get lost in my surroundings. Watching the trees and wildlife slowly turn into buildings and people. Driving the final minutes to the company I call ahead to the security team to let them know that I am almost there. Pulling into the underground garage I see the security guards greeting me and moving the gate for me. Only authorized employees are allowed in the underground garage as is it meant for higher-up personnel. The other employees use the outside parking lot along with associates we have.

Parking my car in my designated spot with 'CEO' marking the wall I make my way towards the elevator hitting the 30th-floor button. There are a few floors above but they are mainly storage and conference rooms. With no one else entering the elevator the ride is pretty quick. The elevator bings allowing me to get off.

I greet my assistant and ask for my schedule overview. With no scheduled meetings for the day, a rare occurrence, I make my way towards my office where I will spend the rest of my day.

Walking in the dark oak brings relief to me as the office had never had a remodeling. I move towards the chair as the only thing that's changed are my picture frames and chair. The previous chair was too tall but I still kept it in the corner of my office.

I sit down and open my laptop to reply to any emails. I decide to make them with importance and urgency. Most of them are the weekly reports of sales and expenses. before I took over the company was involved in clubs and bars since I have started running it I added hotels and casinos that did make more work for me but seeing the benefit it had was worth it.

When Nickolai was kidnapped we looked for months with his second in command, Alexi, taking over for him. After we realized that finding him was no easy task Alexi and I decided that it would be better for me to run the business while he ran the mafia and continued our search. So far nothing has come of it, all we had was the street cameras that showed the three guys wrecking his car and stuffing them in one of the trunks. All three of them had their faces hidden along with any identifying marks. So nothing came from it but their car type and model and which direction they went. But after that, we lost them.

Since then no one has ever contacted us for ownership of his kidnapping, many people thought that he was dead hell even I did some days but my ope was the only thing keeping me going. Once a month Alexi would come by have dinner and get a report from Christian. He would keep me up to date with the search and mafia things while I kept him up to date with me and the company.

Nickolai's parents, Christoper and Kenna, came over every so often. They both had their own lives so they weren't here every day but whenever they came to town they stayed with me.

Focusing back on work, I get done early with no distraction. I leave the building saying goodbye to my assistant and the security guards.

Watching the deepening scenery I pull up in front of my house to the gates open as they always open them when they see me coming home. Walking by I hang up the keys on the hook next to the door and put in the code for the door.

I spent some time in my home office and then I make some dinner. 

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