Extended Summary

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It's a DC fanfiction so obviously I'm going to be copying some lines and quotes from DC movies, shows, and comics. The storyline is my own though.

First things first, I plan on shying away from DC's traditional 'heroes vs villains' idea where basically, the story explicitly goes, Character A is a selfless hero who wants to protect everyone, Character B is a greedy villain who wants only power and destruction. 

I plan on going more towards the Sandman direction where each character does what he or she does because it is their designated function and duty to do so. A few major recurring characters who will be explored at a whole new angle are Nekron, Anti Monitor, Over-Monitor, and Barbatos. (Obviously, embodiments of evil like Darkseid, Trigon, etc will still be their traditional villainous selves because changing that would alter the character fundamentally.)

When God made Creation, the first thing he made was the host of heaven. Beginning with the Archangel Michael...

...and Lucifer. For everything else he made, they were his intermediaries. Michael's Demiurgic Power gave birth to the first Connective Energies...and Lucifer's will shaped them into Multiverses across the Greater Omniverse.

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Sam and Dean Winchester, two of the most powerful and most beautiful beings of the 5th dimension, are coming to town! At their presence, even the mightiest beings bow to their honor! Mr. Mxyzptlk and Bat-Mite cease their pranks and squabbles, Dr. Manhattan learns the meaning of uncertainty, even Parallax cowers in fear!

They are not without brains either; orchestrating events like the Trojan War is child's play to them, Lucifer knows to be wary when dealing with them, The Spectre, God's Divine Wrath, has been known to avoid them whenever he could. But why orchestrate a war between kingdoms when a snap is all it takes to wipe out the planet?

Should they want to, Sam and Dean could unravel all of the space-time across infinite universes, shatter lesser dimensions with their mere presence, and no one would be able to stop them. But they don't, because the limited imagination bottlenecks that immense power, restricting them to only what can be processed and comprehended.

Today, that was their goal; to remove the bottleneck restricting them from omnipotence, to finally become the gods they could have become...

However, nothing is without a price, and for something like this, that price is something you must pay in blood! And Death! What will Sam and Dean do, once they accidentally unleash an entity of chaos and destruction upon their world? How would they react, once they discover, their multiverse was doomed to Death, and it was all their fault?


So we're clear, my fanfiction follows DC's version of Dimensional Theory, not the actual scientific version. For example, in my fanfiction, Sam and Dean Winchester would be 5D according to DC's Dimensional Theory but 9D according to actual scientific Dimensional Theory.

Here's a breakdown of how dimensions work in my work:

- 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Dimension: the part of reality perceivable by us and consists of three parts; length, width, and height. This part remains consistent with scientific Dimensional Theory.

- The Bleed/Hypertime: in DC The Bleed, AKA Hypertime is said to be 4 Dimensional, containing the infinite number of possible outcomes of the Universe. However, in Scientific Dimensional Theory, Hypertime would actually be a 5D structure where all branches stem from the same start conditions and function under the same laws of physics.

- The Universe: the Universe consists of 6 total dimensions; length, width, height, a branched timeline, and a "Bleedspace" that allows one to travel between timelines. This "Bleedspace" is where speedsters like the Flash go when they phase in between timelines. The entire Universe was formed by an event known as the Big Bang and functions on one set of physics.

- Sphere of The Gods: a metaphysical reality whose inhabitants exist on a higher plane of existence than the Universe. Although this has not been given a specific dimensional number in DC, I would treat it as a 7D plane, as it is one level above the Universe. Beings from this realm are created from the beliefs of residents in the Universe.

- Orrey of Worlds/the Multiverse: The plane of existence that contains the Multiverse. Every possible set of physics (for example, a place where gravity pushes instead of pulls) is its own Universe in the Orrery, meaning there is an infinite number of universes. Each Universe has its own set of Gods and its own branched timeline. The Orrery of Worlds is an 8-Dimensional space.

- Imagination + Limbo: Beings in this plane can compare all the possible universe histories, starting with all the different possible laws of physics and initial conditions. In this plane, anything and everything imaginable is possible. In DC, this plane is referred to as the "5th Dimension", but in scientific Dimensional Theory, this plane would be 9-Dimensional. Beings from this dimension, such as Sam and Dean Winchester, can do anything they want with the essence of Creation itself, ranging from straightforward reality warping to affecting the metaphysical and imaginary. However, their powers are only limited to what they can imagine.

- "6th Dimension": Often referred to as the control room of the Multiverse and is a place where the impossible can happen. Beings from this dimension, namely the Super-Celestial and Monitor Brothers, can do everything 9D Beings can do, only they are not limited by the bounds of imagination, making them more powerful than Sam and Dean. In Dimensional Theory, this plane would be known as the 10th Dimension.

- "10th Dimension"/Overvoid: This is where things get a bit metafictional; the "10th Dimension" is regarded as the Overvoid, a container holding all of fiction and containing infinite Multiverses. Each Multiverse in this plane would be its own fictional story(for example, the Dragon Ball Z verse would be an alternate Multiverse in this plane, the Harry Potter-verse would be another, every story/fantasy you've ever had would be its own multiverse here). This plane would be 11 Dimensional.

In short, Time=4D, Hypertime/Bleed=5D, Universe=6D, Sphere of Gods=7D, Orrery of Worlds=8D, "5th Dimension"=9D, "6th Dimension"=10D, Overvoid=11D

Lucifer is a DC character, so there will obviously be other DC characters who also appear in this fanfiction. Several recurring DC characters include Mr. Mxyzptlk, Dax Novu(pre-Mandrakk), Mar Novu, Dream of The Endless, World Forger, Michael Demiurgos, The Spectre, Anti Monitor, Nekron. And yes, ALL of these characters can solo the entire Vampire Diaries verse(including Daliah, Bonnie, Silas, and Markos).

Some lesser-known DC characters who I've also included are The Empty Hand, Umbrax, Quisp, Upside Down Man, Gabriel Hornblower, Destruction of The Endless. Here are some of the major changes I plan on making to DC in my fanfiction. If you don't follow both the DC lore and its Vertigo imprint, most of these won't make too much sense. If you don't understand them, don't worry, they're not that important to the story:

- The Great Darkness is not a fragment of the Upside Down Man, it is the other way around.

- All the Nil Monitors(including Mandrakk and Nix Uotan) are fragments of Mar Novu

- Nekron and the Life Entity are the two conjoining halves making up Death of The Endless

- The Presence is the true God of DC and exists beyond everything. The Source is the initial spark from Michael's Demiurgic explosion.

- Perpetua, Pralaya, and Hecate are not above The Presence(I don't care what WebCamParrot says, he's full of shit).

- I basically replaced Lilith with Perpetua.

- Lucifer created Umbrax, Nekron, The Life Entity(AKA the light), and The Hands(super-celestials) are all aspects of him.

- The World Forge and Dark Multiverse are the connection point between the Dreaming and the Multiverse.

- Heaven and Hell exist beyond the Monitor Sphere(I don't care what the map says)

- Desire of The Endless is female

- Dream of The Endless also has jurisdiction over World Forger

- The Judges of The Presence is a trinity composed The Spectre(vengeance), Destiny of The Endless(necessity), and The Source(equity).

A/N: If you like where this is going, please remember to comment and vote!

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