Chapter 11

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Sam shoved Dean and himself out of the way just as a powerful beam of glowing antimatter shot out of the eye, burning a clear hole straight through the hull of the ship where they were standing. The wretched smell of smelted metal filled the room.


Anti-Monitor brought a giant fist hammering down onto the side of the ship, making another massive dent, and dislodging several screens on the inside.


A crack formed in the hull of the ship as Anti-Monitor bashed it with a slab of concrete.

"Sir? Mr. Winchester?" The female operator asked anxiously, "is everything alright over there?"

"NO!" Dean barked, lunging over the hole which the antimatter blast had made, "I NEED A WORMHOLE EVACUATION BACK TO THE FIFTH DIMENSION NOW!"

"Wormhole evacuation. Got it." The operator replied, "your location?"

Anti-Monitor's claw closed around the vessel, raising it up in the air and bashed into the ground, like cracking a coconut. Another crack formed in between the weldings. Any minute now, the vessel would crack open, leaving them to the mercy of this Dark God.

Dean grabbed onto several levers on the control panel and hung on. "Universe 42069, 3rd dimension!"

"WAIT Dean NO!!!"

Anti-Monitor raised the vessel up for more strike just as a portal of white light opened in the night sky and beam white light shot down from the heavens, encompassing the ship and the Dark God holding it. The next thing they knew, their vessel was being violently yanked up out of the creature's hand, and beamed up towards a Wormhole leading back to the 5th dimension with Anti-Monitor close on their heels.

Everyone felt themselves being flung off their feet by the violent movement. Sam found himself nearly being blinded by the brilliant, luminous glow of white light that now shone through the only broken window. They were picking up speed fast, and everyone soon found themselves glued flat on the ground by the immense change in momentum.

Through the chaos, Anti-Monitor's roar echoed through the night, followed by the sound of feet kicking off the ground. "THAT THING'S FOLLOWING US TO THE PORTAL!!!" Dean screamed, looking down through the floor hatch, "LOOK OUT!!!" A pair antimatter beams shot out of its eyes, grazing the side of their ship, sending them spinning violently.

Once more, everyone found themselves being flung about around the inside of their ship, almost like cement in a cement mixer. Anti-Monitor's roars were getting closer as he followed them up through the Graviton Beam, firing rays of antimatter wildly from his eyes.

"YOU DON'T SAY!" Sam felt his body lift off the ground into free float as the beam as he and everything else that was not anchored to the ground began to float weightlessly towards the ceiling. The beam worked by sending a wave of gravitons at its target, and simply 'gravitizing' it away towards the portal back home.

Unfortunately, anything else caught under it will also be sucked away.

On most days, the beam would bring a few loose rocks, or a curious stowaway back with it.

On a bad day, it brings home a 10th dimensional World Killer.

"I am the furnace in which you will be unmade!!!" Anti-Monitor's voice thundered, his glowing yellow eyes sending blast after blast of burning antimatter at their ship, leaving streaks of burn marks across the heat-proof outer shell. "EMBRACE DEATH!" A blast finally cut through the hull, slicing the entire top-half clean off, sending hurricanes hurtling through the ship.

Sam grabbed onto the nearest thing he could touch, which just happened to be a loose wire, and clung on for dear life. His body fluttered in the air like a ribbon in the wind, threatening to be sucked out of the cabin at a moment's notice. Showers of sparks burst from the broken end of his wire, searing his hands, but he didn't notice the pain.

The white light grew nearer.

"Pilots, you need to slow down now!" The female operator said urgently, "you're moving way too fast to land safely! Do you copy?"

"I CAN'T!" Dean, his hands clinging on to a set of joysticks on the control panels, his body also fluttering in the air like a flag, bellowed as loud as he could at the free-floating intercom.

"Sir? Do you copy?! You are moving too fast to land!"

"I CAN'T!!!"

"Sir? Hello? Sir?"

The spacecraft charged through the upright portal at supersonic speeds where it rolled across the floor of the containment building, crushing anything that was in its path. Once more, Sam and the crew found themselves being flung about the insides of their vessel like clothes in the washing machine.

The ground crew manning the landing zone before the round, 50 feet wide, circular portal ran for cover as the mangled heap of metal rolled through, leaving a trail of destruction and fire in the metal runway.


Sam felt the ship jerk violently as it slammed head on into a second parked aircraft of similar design, but painted green instead of red.

An Earth shattering roar shook the containment building as a powerful beam of antimatter shot out from the portal, effortlessly burning a clear hole through the walls forged by the indestructible N-th metal. The terrified screams of the ground crew were drowned out by Anti-Monitor's furious bellow as he barged into 5th dimension; "ALL WORLDS WILL FALL TO ME!!!!"

His momentum sent Sam flying out through the opening in the ship where he flew dozens of feet into the air before crashing to the ground and tumbling across the runaway like a ragged doll. His adrenalin was pumping like a waterfall, keeping the fear out of his mind, and drowning out the waves of pain that shot through his body as nearly every single bone shattered from the impact.

His eyes were almost entirely blinded. His ears rang. He wasn't sure if it was from the impact or the dust or the tumbling around. He would just have to assume they all played a role in his sensory deprivation. His already-blurry eye-sight was only getting worse as the waterfall of adrenalin slowly ran dry.

The ringing in his ears was slowly dying down. His heavy arms and legs were getting lighter by the second. His thoughts were starting to become jumbled up, like a broken telephone. The blurred image of the containment building around him eventually faded away, replaced by nothing but a gray void. The last thing he saw were two bright blue beams of antimatter...

He lifted his arms up before his eyes; they felt absolutely weightly, and momentumless, as if they didn't even exist. He tried to pull himself to his feet, but quickly found that was never lying down in the first place. In fact, he was neither standing nor lying down; he was just floating in an empty void.

He tried to move, only to realize, there was nowhere to relative to or away from. He squinted, trying to see, only to find there was nothing in the gray void to see. He tried to listen, but found there was nothing but absolute silence surrounding himself. An absolutely peaceful silence if he says so himself.

Suddenly, a thin, feminine soprano pierced through the silence, shattering the peace that surrounded him. "Hello, Professor Winchester." He spun his head around in time to see a young, petite, and pale girl with a head of bushy black hair that was just above her shoulders, materialize from the void. The black tank top and slim black jeans she wore further emphasized her feminine figure, and the perfectly drawn eye shadows beneath her dark eyes gave her an extra touch of style.

Sam frowned at her. "What the hell do you want?! And what is this place?!" However, despite his harsh attitude, he couldn't help but notice how pretty and adorable the girl looked.

"It's your time." Her eyes gleamed, despite there being absolutely no light. The shiny ankh symbol around her neck caught his eye; the Egyptian symbol for 'life.' "I'm so sorry, Sam."

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