Chapter 26

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"Yo, what the fuck, Sammy?!" Dean grumbled, "we literally just made one of the biggest scientific breakthroughs of all time and you're being a grouch about it?!"

"I'm sorry." said Sam, "I am not trying to undermine the scope of our discovery here today, but I do not deny that I am unsatisfied with the result."

"Why?!" asked Mxyzptlk, "wasn't that your grand goal?! To see a complete view of the multiverse from outside?!"

"Yes." said Sam, "but that was made under the assumption that our multiverse is the only multiverse in existence. However, now that we have proven the existence of multiple multiverses, that final goal changes. There are still things outside which we have yet to see and understand. Start the Portal Projector again. We need to go further."

"But sir." Mxyzptlk protested, "our experiment was only meant to reach beyond our multiverse and explore it from outside. We do not know what would happen if we went any further. We have completed the mission we set out to do today."

"Our experiment was designed to view all of EXISTENCE from the outside! To achieve omniscience!" Sam barked, "as long as even ONE variable exists unknown to us, our mission is NOT complete. Turn on the Projector, now."

"Yes, under the assumption that our multiverse IS all of existence!" said Mxyzptlk, "we are not sure of the impact that peering beyond the Megaverse would have on our minds. There have been studies, professor, that if the mind is exposed to something complex to comprehend, it could spontaneously disintegrate. This experiment can continue, but I insist we do it after sufficient research has been done. Curiosity killed the cat!"

"And how do you intend on getting that 'sufficient research'?!" barked Sam, "we have already pushed the boundaries of science. There is no more possible research we can do except trial and error. If we want 'sufficient research,' we have to get it ourselves, right here, right now."

"But why does it have to be right now? The experiment can be done another day."

"And what purpose would the delay serve?" demanded Sam, "provide me with ONE good reason to delay it and I will."

Mxyzptlk fell silent.

"Look." sighed Sam, "if any of you are worried by what this expedition could bring upon us, I permit you to leave the facility via our escape pods. Any further discoveries I make will be accredited under your names also. But I do not intend to rest until I have peered at all of existence through the realm of the supreme being."

Everyone, except for Dean, Quisp, and Dax Novu left.

"Well? When are we getting started?" Dean grinned, looking over at the only two remaining members of the team, Dax Novu and another man named Quisp, "if we're going to do it let's do it. No cold feet, guys."

"Right." muttered Sam, "no cold feet. I'll man the controls at the Main Building, you three work the Control Ship."

"Aya aya, captain."

As Sam walked towards the main building, Mxyzptlk's warnings echoed in his head. 'Curiosity killed the cat.' 'Just because there is no warning doesn't mean there's no danger.' What if he was right? What if this was all a mistake? What if...those secrets were not for their eyes?

All around the interior of the projector room, there were dozens of displays showing the levels of various things ranging from the presence of antimatter to radiation to moisture percentage. All around the main building, lightning blazed from the tesla coils, coursing onto the antenna on the roof as zig-zags of bluish-white light.

In the center of the main building, the circular 20-foot-wide Portal Projector was mounted on a tripod just under 30 feet tall, above the 25-foot wide circular plate of silvery N-th metal. From the outside, the Projector had the appearance of a giant camera lens, with a gentle sky blue glow in its center that brightened as it charged up with 5th-dimensional energy.

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