Chapter 27

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Entombed in the walls of the material universe...what power could thus imprison the manifestation of God's eternal wrath? And to what dread end? Up in the shining light of the Silver City, a cloudy, bright world inhabited by the angels of the Lord, a place of unimagined blessing, Amenadiel of the Thrones and Castiel of the Dominions approached the throne of God for answers to such questions.

Their brothers and sisters serve Him day and night in His temple. God's brilliance, God's light shone unto them as they entered and knelt before the Lord. They need not open their mouths nor ask, for God was all seeing, all knowing. They heard God's reply loud and clear. "Yes, Lord, it shall be done." both angels said in unison.

They descended from the Silver City, shrinking their titanic forms down to infinitesimal levels as they entered the microscopic realm into which the 5th Dimensional Hypergod had cast the Lord's eternal wrath--the Astral Boundary. In a speck populated with various plant life and primitive microbe species, was the Spectre, his pure essence embedded into the microworld, fused with its lifeforce by 5th Dimensional magic.

"That's quite a sight!" said Castiel, "the rock he's embedded in must be a thousand miles across."

The angels landed on the micro world where they carefully took in their surroundings. "All of this--the animals, the ecology--it's alive, growing...sentient." said Amenadiel, "we've been completely outmaneuvered. We can't free the Spectre without destroying all this. He's trapped him in a living, breathing micro-world."

"Then perhaps we just leave him be," said Castiel, "I serve God's love, not God's wrath. This monstrosity appalls me, Amenadiel. Yet, as the Spectre, this avenging spirit was also one of the prime guardians of Creation."

"The Presence has many faces, Castiel," said Amenadiel, "his primal wrath is no less essential to the health of the Multiverse than its benevolent aspect."

They flew over the lands. The Spectre's hands, feet, face, and chest extended from the ground like hills and mountains. "Well, any ideas for getting him out?" asked Castiel.

"I'm thinking about the energy needed to do something like this." marveled Amenadiel, "this is the most ingenious, most evil prison I've ever seen. We're certainly up against a twisted, brilliant, twisted intellect." They reached the Spectre's face, which lay surrounded by rocks and boulders, held completely immobile.

"Or perhaps this is just 5th Dimensional logic at work." said Castiel, "whatever it is, if we don't find a way to free the Spectre from this trap, we're on our own against the power that embedded him here."

"So do we leave the Spirit of Wrath entombed and face the armies of the 5th Dimension without his aid?" asked Amenadiel, "or do we use our own might to shatter this fastness...and murder every living thing here?" He felt his eyes water at the thought that they may fail their Lord, for it was decreed that all life were children of God, and to kill them would be to kill God's children.

"Our enemy wants to make this decision a very difficult one for us, brother." sighed Castiel, "he knows time is short."

"Time..." Amenadiel's eyes seemed to suddenly brighten up, "that's what I was thinking...time passes much faster here, have you noticed?"

"Since we set foot on mortal planes, I've struggled to make sense of time as you do." said Castiel, "as you know, in Heaven, time isn't something that passes, it--"

"Whatever it does, Castiel, we can make it go faster here. Do you follow me? We can accelerate this little world through time until the whole place ages to destruction. They won't know that, brother! If Sam Winchester is successful in draining the World Forge, the Multiverse may die, and right now, I have no more humane alternatives, do you?"

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