Chapter 42

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Something terrible was taking shape...

The universe shuddered, and the evil antimatter universe was formed. But more than that, the single universe was replicated. What was one became many. At that moment, the antimatter universe and Multiverse was born.

Clutching his head in pain, past Sam's eyes glowed blue as 5th Dimensional energy leaked out from his body. He felt the splintering of the timeline--they all did! Anyone mentally attuned to the song of existence could feel it be torn and fragmented across infinity.

Earth and all the planets were duplicated across infinite realities. Only one planet was without a doppelganger: Oa. However, it was not without a dark reflection. Oa's sister planet lay in the antimatter universe, known by its inhabitants as the world Qward.

While Sam fled the scene, Krona's actions were revealed and he was brought before the High Council of Oa to be tried for his crimes. But the Oans did not believe in death and they had no intention of robbing Krona of his immortality...instead, he was reduced to disembodied energy, doomed to circle harmlessly throughout the Multiverse forever.

But Krona had unleashed more upon existence than they possibly could have known; brother killed brother. Hatred and violence grew and flourished, and the Oans knew it had all been caused by Krona and Sam's insatiable ambition.

While it was true that every myth held some truth to it, myths also deviated from that truth to varying degrees. The Bible would lead you to believe evil was let loose as a result of two people consuming a forbidden fruit...not a 5th Dimensional Hypergod and an immortal Oan scientist looking back in time to see the forbidden, but the parallels were definitely there.

Newly created satellites encircled the planet Qward, and on those moons, newly burgeoning with life, a blasphemous parody of all things living was born into that dark and evil universe...the Anti-Monitor! At the same time, as if in protest of a great cosmic imbalance, its doppelganger has spawned on that lifeless moon of Oa...that was also the day the Overmonitor was born.

In his blind ambition, Sam Winchester had accidentally created his greatest enemy...and ultimately, his greatest savior as well. As Mar Novu plagued his kind for years to come, he buried that memory one must know that he was behind the creation of the 5th Dimension's public enemy #1...

Placing both palms on her stomach, she could feel them crawling over each other, the movements intensifying as they grew at rapid rates. Eve squirmed when one pressed against her cervix. Were they coming out already?

The pressure increased, and she shifted her hips forward, bracing her hands behind her. The first larvae forced its head into her canal, squirming to free itself. As it made its way farther down, she could feel it undulate inside her pussy as it stretched her from the inside. She pushed, helping it along.

The feeling of it moving inside her was driving her crazy, and her whole body was flushed by the time its head emerged. The larva looked like a giant cockroach, darkly colored and covered by a hard exoskeleton, with three pairs of short legs near its head. It planted these against her pussy lips and bunched itself up, tugging the rest of its body free and tumbling into the bucket.

Each Mutatus offspring looked nothing like the parent, a clear result of the fast-mutating genes Sam had implemented. "ARGH!" A powerful cramp suddenly wracked her body, and she felt the mass of Mutatus inside her womb begin to shift. "Oh, it's starting..."

Again, she could feel something pressing against her cervix from within, moving, struggling to free itself. Her body tensed again because of it. She moaned softly, breathing hard. Push, she thought, I have to push! When the next contraction came, she tried her best to help it along. Her cervix stretched around the emerging Mutatus.

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