Chapter 28

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"AAARRGGHH!!!" Sam wanted to scream in agony, but there was no air to carry the sound. Every nerve in his body was on fire. The Hazmat Suit had completely burned away, leaving him standing in nothing but a burnt shirt and a tattered pair of pants. The Life Equation and Death Equation were not simple strings of numbers or symbols...they were sentient truths...and they were being bonded into his soul!

Knowledge of the inner workings of the Greater Omniverse flooded his mind, overwhelming his senses and disconnecting him from his body...his broken form floated listlessly across the Overvoid while his mind transcended across Creation.

Both equations worked in harmony; Life and Anti-Life, Death and Anti-Death...absolute life and absolute death...every being was allowed to choose their own path, but every path led to the same destination. All events, past, present, and future were contained in Destiny of The Endless' Book of Souls, yet the future remains unset as no one has ever laid eyes upon the book's contents...

In his eyes, time was only relative. He felt it against his soul as his mind blitzed through Destiny of The Endless' Book of Souls. The Source was flung far behind. He was flying through the endless Overvoid that lay in between worlds--the blank margins of the Book of Souls. There is nothing around him. There is, has been, will be nothing. All the same, always.

The burning sensation coursing through his body was beginning to grow detached now...his mind was transcending reality. He was having an out-of-body experience; he was viewing reality from a direction with no name, and the sensations of his physical form were nothing more than another speck in the Greater Omniverse...

Each multiverse, starting off as a singularity in the vast nothingness--is but a possibility. Burgeoning now where nothing was. And being something in the midst of an infinite nothing, it becomes the center. The focus. Each and every thing is the center of it's own story.

With the passage of time, it seems to grow. To unfold. Until the sky is filled with endless conjugations, like the branches on a tree. But in the end, it is but a matter of perception--there is no time here, and no space--the hypertimes of the multiverses did not extend this far.

In his eyes, all things under hypertime are layered on themselves endlessly, and perception twists around its own axis until it is blinded by fulliness, crippled by infinite repetition. The true scope of Creation is enough to drive a normal man mad. To discipline your eyes and mind to that new perspective-to see time where no time is, to see space where no space is, to see a singularity in an infinite nothingness--that takes an effort of will almost beyond imagining.

But for Sam Winchester, no longer one of The Higher, no longer limited by the bounds of imagination, lack of resolve is no longer an issue. And once you've trained your eye to the view from eternity--

--there are all kinds of interesting things to see. As he moved through the void, those infinite conjugations of himself--of all existence--those infinite possibilities--they collapsed back into one. The branches retracted into the tree.

Blocking out all else, his eyes locked onto the tiny speck from which he and everything he knew was born--his multiverse. The world he would die to save. He felt his heart rate speed up as his mind soared, propelling him at impossible speeds through nothing--towards the singularity inside a singularity. In the blink of an eye, he watched Multiverses rise and fall...

However, the blissful release of transcendence did not last forever; the burning in every nerve on his body was taking hold of his mind once again, and his vision into the Greater Omniverse blurring with it. The pain was bewildering at first.

Exactly that--he was bewildered. For a moment, he couldn't understand, couldn't make sense of

what was happening; his body--surely a charred corpse by now--and his mind, floated through the Great Darkness. Memories of his past life were fading away...

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