Chapter 8

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The door flew open as Sam barged in, Dean following closely behind him. "Is everyone here alright?" He asked, trying to keep his voice as calm as possible, "any traces of 10th dimensional energy?"

"What?" Dax Novu frowned. "Alright from what?"

"Check levels of 10th dimensional energy!" Sam ordered, pointing at the small office located right next to the Projector room. "Now! It's urgent."

"Uhhh...alright?" Dax Novu unhooked a small silver key from his belt and twirled on his index finger as he casually skipped toward the blank white office door on the blank white wall. Unlocking his door, he led Sam and Dean into his office which, like the control shuttle, was also filled with control panels covered by row upon row of controls and switches.

"10th dimensional energy levels...10th dimensional energy levels...10th dimensional energy levels..." He took a seat before a long panel of controls and looked up at the massive wall-mounted screen that was loaded with hundreds upon hundreds of statistics and readings. "Hmmm..." His fingers dragged over a touchscreen on the panel, moving a tiny red cursor across his screen.

"Well?" Sam grumbled impatiently, "hurry up!"

"Okay...okay..." Dax Novu clicked open a window named 'energy presences' which contained a bar chart showing the amount of energy from each dimension that was present in this universe. The bar indicating 10th dimensional energy was so small, you had to squint to see it. "Readings show...10th dimensional energy present here is...near zero."

"Whew..." Sam felt a heavy weight lift off his chest. Had whatever creature that they had seen in the 10th dimension made it through, with or without their knowledge, they could have a crisis on their hands. Fortunately, that did not appear to be the case right now.

"Say, Director Winchester, why the panic?" Dax Novu asked in a conversational tone, "and what's up with the sudden shutdown? Any explanation? Or is that 'classified'?"

"It's nothing." Sam sighed. Maybe Dean was right. Maybe whatever creature that was just some harmless thing that just happened to call the 10th dimension its home. Maybe because their experiment had awakened it, it was just a little upset and lashed out as the nearest thing possible. Maybe it's just all a false alarm....

...or maybe not...

"Uh...guys...?" Dean raised a trembling finger as he pointed to the bar chart on the display. "Uhhh...10th dimensional energy..."

The bar indicating the presence of 10th dimensional energy was shooting upwards at an exponential rate...

...oh shit.

"uh...Director Winchester?" Dax Novu looked mildly alarmed at what was going on. "Is that...supposed to happen?"

"No. Definitely not!" At that moment, an electrical shockwave tore through the building, shorting out anything and everything running on electricity. Sam, Dean, and Dax Novu dove to the ground, shielding their heads and faces from the shower of sparks and broken glass.

"Holy shit!!!" Dax Novu's eyes and mouth fell wide. "What the fuck?!"

"It's a creature from the 10th dimension!" Sam barked, "Dax Novu, activate Protocol: Death!" Red emergency lights powered on to replace the shattered normal lights. A blaring alarm echoed through the building. Screams of confusion and panic sounded through the building as they descended into darkness.

"Protocol: Death...protocol--" Dax Novu dug furiously through his desk until he finally came across a small, handheld remote with a single, large red button in its center and a large red light bulb on the top which was supposed to light up once the protocol was active. "Activating Protocol: Death--" He slammed his entire hand down on the button.

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