Chapter 50

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Under Sam's prison, a huge structure the size of the chrysler building arose from the ground, courtesy of Sam. One whole day has already passed since his capture, and the Spectre had made it clear; he was not getting out until the Empty Hand wiped this Multiverse clean. That day, Sam sat in his bed, staring up into the beautiful blue sky...

The world around him looked so peaceful...the people of the city walked by this strange, futuristic structure, some kneeling before it to pray, a few stray birds and wildlife would wander around every so often, look for a bit, then leave. The world was oblivious to the doom that awaited them all.

Suddenly, the Phantom Stranger appeared before him, his clothes torn and dirty, and his leg carrying a slight limp. "Sam Winchester, it has to be you!" he barked, grabbing him roughly by the scarf of his neck and dragging him to his feet, "I have spoken to the Source and he refuses to intervene. You're the only one who could stop the Empty Hand."

"Tell that to the Spectre!" said Sam.

"I cannot change the Spectre's mind." replied the Phantom Stranger, "but I can help you."

"How?" asked Sam, "unless you have a way to break me out of this prison, I don't see a point in any of your assistance."

"The power you stole is far greater than anything you have ever known, and right now, it is all hidden in your soul." said the Phantom Stranger, "I can show you how to access it."

"You haven't addressed the forcefield yet."

"Look, Sam, if you can't even break through the Spectre's forcefield, the Empty Hand is going to smash you to a pulp!" yelled the Phantom Stranger, "if you want to have a chance at beating the Empty Hand, you're going to have to learn how to channel the Anti-Life Equation's power, and I can teach you what you need to know!"



"Where do we start?"

"We will start with the mind--"

"Oh please, not this shit again..."

"Sam, do you want to beat the Empty Hand or not?!" barked the Phantom Stranger, "if your answer is 'yes' then get your ass up off your damn bed and listen!"

"Fine." Dragging himself grumpily off his bed, Sam stood, slouched and bored before him in the world's most unprofessional 'attention' ever. "What do you want?"

"The Anti-Life Equation was a transcendental mathematical formula that will allow those who know it to dominate the will of any sentient race." said the Phantom Stranger, "it creates an emotional turmoil that breaks the dikes of the mind and releases the flood in which we must fish. If wielded correctly, it is a weapon of extreme power, but of course, it is also extremely dangerous, for it can just as easily break the mind of the user as well."

"Just show me how to use the damn thing!"

"You have created a barrier in your mind and soul, barring yourself from the Equation's power." said the Phantom Stranger, "the first step you'll must take is to open your mind up and let its power flow through you, but at the same time, you must not let it overwhelm you. Be the dam that controls the current's flow. Are you ready?"

"We have six days. We'll all be dead soon, no matter if it works or not!" Closing his eyes, he began to open himself up to the Anti-Life Equation's power...and its corruption. Sam Winchester of the 5th Dimension, a voice snarled in his head, you have been chosen to annihilate this world! Relent!

"What do I do?! It's in my head!" Sam cried out in pain and panic. His eyes were turning sore as heat rose from his eyeballs, his whole damn head was burning!

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