Chapter 33

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From the ground, Adam sat on a great boulder, listening and observing everything that went on around him. The Gentry were terraforming the entire garden, transforming it into a barren wasteland before building more constructs out of the debris. He was grateful that they seemed to have forgotten all about him, judging from the sounds Eve was making.

He silently took in every detail of the Gentry as well as their names;

Hellmachine was a purple skinned creature that towered over him at 100 feet in height. With a single oval head and three eyes in a horizontal row and a giant fanged, gaping mouth, it walked on its dozens of massive tentacles, almost like a centipede. An entire miniature city grew from the top of its head.

Demongorgunn had a massive, constantly shifting body that was composed of many smaller beings--beings with four limbs, one torso, and one head just like he and Eve. Sometimes, it would divide into many smaller forms to carry lighter debris, other times, it'd all reform as a single giant to haul a boulder.

Dame Merciless looked the most simple, yet was somehow the most nerve racking of the group; she had a tall, thin body that was essentially dark blue skin over elongated bones. Wrapped up in mummy tape, everything from her toothless mouth to her messy dark hair freaked him out.

Suddenly, Hellmachine took notice of him. "Why do you watch us, man?"

"I--I don't know." Adam stammered, "I don't know where to place my eyes. If my gaze offends you, I can--"

"No." replied Hellmachine, "of course not. But when carnal knowledge palls, find me. I'll show you a better kind and a greater pleasure."

"A greater pleasure?" Adam asked, intrigued, "what do you intend to show me?"

"The path that leads to wisdom is hard." smiled Hellmachine, "tell me: when you lie with the woman, do you enjoy it?"

"Of course I do." said Adam, "we both do."

"But if it gave her pain rather than pleasure, would you not still desire it?" Seeing Adam's contemplation, Hellmachine grinned in satisfaction, "then there is your first lesson: you can't always trust your desires."

"I...don't know." muttered Adam, "I have never--" Suddenly, he doubled over, clutching his chest and gasping in pain. "Wha-what is happening to me?!"

"Your lifeforce is tied to that of your creator." said Hellmachine, "everything he goes through, you feel too. Sam Winchester is having a heart attack..."

The heart rate monitor beeped a long single note. "Oh no, OH NO!" The doctor screamed, "he's going into cardiac arrest!" Immediately, he jumped up and began to pump furiously on Sam's chest while a nurse ran to get the defibrillator. "Come on..."

Seconds later, the nurse barged in wheeling the defibrillator on a rolling cart. "200 volts, ALL CLEAR!" The doctor backed away and the nurse pressed the capacitor plates to Sam's chest. His whole body jerked but the heart rate monitor stayed flat. "350 volts." The nurse cranked up the knob. "ALL CLEAR!" Sam's body jerked again, still to no avail...

Even in his unconsciousness, he felt the shocks. He looked down at his hands...they were disintegrating. "No..." He whispered. The self image in his head was fading from his mind as his brain was starved of blood.

"It's now or never, Sam." said the Spectre, "let me in. I can heal you."

"Why do you care so much?!" Sam finally snapped, "you're God's vengeance. You punish evil on behalf of The Presence and I've done more than enough shit to deserve judgment. What's in it for you here?"

"You drained my essence from my previous host. You're holding me hostage within you, and if you succumb to the effects of the Anti-Death Equation, I go with you."

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