Chapter 12

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Realization struck him like a train. "Wait. I'm dead?! No..."

The girl nodded. "Yes. I'm afraid you are."

"No." Sam shook his head. He was NOT dying like this. "NO! That can't be! I am a Higher! I exist beyond time itself! You have no claim on me!" How could he just leave the world like this? How could he leave his people with such a big mess that HE has created?! "No. You WILL send me back right now. I demand it!"

Death shook her head. "Sorry Sam, I'm afraid I can't do that." Her eyes shone with a compassion he wasn't expecting an entity like her to have. "It's your time to go, Mr. Winchester."

"Look, queen...miss...mistress...whatever you go by...if there's any way I can get back... Please! I can't just leave my world to--to--"

"You lived a good life, Sam." Death told him calmly, "you were the greatest of your people. You did what no one else can even dream of! You defeated 6th dimensional beings. Your name will go down in history--well, what's going to be left of history anyways--I'm sorry."

"NO!" Sam lunged forwards, grabbing her tiny neck in his hands and squeezing as hard as he could, "Look, I'm sure you've heard this before, but... you've gotta make an exception, you've gotta cut me a break. My brother's in danger. See, we're in the middle of a fucking war against a member of the Dark Legion which I awakened, and they need me! I'm the best man we've got..."

"The fights over, Sam." Death told him gently. Her fingers caressed his face, sending calming thoughts through his mind. He jerked her hand away and pushed her back. "No it isn't! If you insist on dragging me into Limbo, then, you're going to have to take that literally--and let me tell you, I'm not going like a sack of potatoes."

Death frowned. "How do you know you're going to Limbo?"

"Research." sneered Sam, "what? You think I didn't bother researching where you go when you die? Humans go to heaven or hell, Higherians go to Limbo, Monitors reform in their domains. Let me tell you: after acquiring omniscience, the first thing I'm doing is busting down the door to Limbo and bringing everyone back!"

"But you're too late." She reminded him, "Sam. You're not the first soldier I've plucked from the field. They all feel the same. They can't leave. Victory hangs in the balance. But they're wrong. The battle goes on without them. Win or loss."

The Higher were powerful telepaths, Sam thought, if he could venture into her mind and make her resurrect him...he concentrated on her thoughts but soon found her mind was nearly impenetrable. No, he needed to distract her first, to put her in a state euphoria as that's when the mind is the most open. Normally, during court interrogations, the suspect would be administered a drug, but here, he had no such luxury.

"Death..." Sam closed his eyes. For a moment, his mind was clear, and in that moment, a plan came through his mind; it was a risky plot, yes, and something he would normally deem morally wrong, but when the multiverse is at risk, who cares? "In all my life, I've never been with anybody." He told her slowly, "not with a woman, not with a man, not with anyone. I don't want to go like this."

"I've collected virgins before too, Sam." Death told him gently, "virgins who liked their status, virgins who hated it. It's time, Sam."

"No. You don't understand..." He bit his lips lightly and locked eyes with the girl. "I was hoping...I was hoping you could take it from me before I go." He felt his cock pop up under his jeans as he said this. He smiled crookedly, trying to pull off the 'sexy' look which his brother Dean does so naturally. He's got the looks, he reminded himself, that's the most important part.

She looked from his eyes down to his cock and then back up to his eyes again. "I'm not a whore, you know?" Her heart rate was speeding up too, and she subconsciously bit her lip. "I don't give free fucks to every guy I take."

"How about an exception?" He tried, "I'm sure there's no rule against having sex with someone who just happens to be newly deceased." He took a step towards her so that his cock was inches from her body.

"Well..." She felt herself reaching out to touch it, "you're very big and firm and long...fine!" In one fluid motion, she pulled her tank top up over her head, revealing a lacy black bra beneath before throwing herself at him, knocking him down backwards. Instantly, a couch and room materialized around the emptiness as they landed on soft cushions, with her on top of him, in a crawling position on her palms and knees. "One quickie, then, we go to Limbo."

She ripped his jeans open at the front and yanked his erect cock out for him, pumping it several times before going to work on her own skinny jeans. "Oh my god." Sam trembled, taking in the view of her gorgeous body, "what was--"

Seconds later, she yanked her jeans and underwear down to her ankles and slumped herself onto his cock, introducing him ever more deeper within herself. "I bet I can get you to cum in under 10 pumps." She challenged, "I'm good at this."

"I don't quite understand what that means." admitted Sam, "is that good or bad?"

"Depends how you look at it." replied Death. The position they were in, he noticed, with her straddling him, allowed for very deep penetration. She grabbed his hair and slowly began to move, slowly at first, and then faster and faster. His cock was rising slightly in her, and she was thrusting at him faster and faster and with greater strength. "Oh...Sam."

Sam could feel his heart rate speed up the more she bounced. A pleasurable sensation was beginning to build, and he soon found himself breathing to her bounces. Sam loved this right now; he had a beautiful girl bouncing up and down on his dick moaning his name, and the sensation was just as Dean had described.

Sam was getting closer to cumming. Carefully, he began to reach out with his psychic abilities, gently probing her mind at first as to keep her from noticing. Her defenses were lowering, and he could begin to feel some of her emotions now; she was close to cumming too. She looked wild as she bounced on him, her short black hair sticking to parts of her face from sweat while the rest was flying off in different directions with each bounce.

Sam was moaning a lot now, as she was getting closer, but he made sure to keep his mind focused...the moment he finds an opening, he goes in. She was bouncing fast now and he could not help but moan out her name(or title), which caused her to give him a quick smile. Sam's shaft would be constricted by Thalia's hole when he was inside her and then feel no pressure when he was out of her, yet there was a lasting feeling of constriction that was left over when his dick was briefly out of her.

He noticed Death's face had an intense look of pleasure on it as she climaxed causing her hole to tighten and fluids to squirt out of her pussy. She shouted his name as she climaxed, and for that brief moment, her mind was completely open and touchable. Taking her tiny waist in his hands, he flipped her onto her back, lying down on top of her as he came.

Placing one hand on her forehead, and the other on her beautiful ass, he slammed his cock into her cervix, flooding her with every last drop of cum. It overflowed and poured out of her abused little hole, pooling in a mess beneath her. She screamed again with pleasure, and in that tiny gap, he hijacked her.

"Sam, what the hell are--" Her eyes flew wide at the intrusion, but by then, it was too late; her eyes glowed blue like his, marking the successful mental hijacking. She went silent, her pants and moans coming to an abrupt stop as she became his puppet. "I'm sorry, my lady." Sam told her, "but I'm not dying today."

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