Chapter 32

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The Anti-Death Entity--hive mind of the Gentry taken form--grinned at him in his mind through a reflection of his own self-image. "I will fulfill your greatest desires." urged the Anti-Death Entity, "stop fighting against this union once and for all and I can give you the world! Your fame. Your power. Even...Dean."

"This is all happening in my head--" said Sam, "you're not real!"

"Oh, I'm real." laughed the Anti-Death Entity, "you opened the door and now I'm in." He tried to cover his ears, to block it out, but it was no use. As the Anti-Death Entity said, he let him in, and now he's inside his head. "Submit!" The reflection reached up through the glass and grabbed his face, trying to drown him in the abyss...

"Vengeance!!" A cloud of glowing green vapor manifested before his eyes. A wave of green energy swept across the ground, burning the Anti-Death Entity's hands into charcoal, forcing him to retreat. "We must deliver justice!" said the Spectre, "the spirit of vengeance must not fail!"

"Spirit of vengeance?" the Anti-Death Entity taunted in his reflection, "you are nothing to me but a host, as Sam Winchester is to you."

"You will be destroyed..." growled the Spectre.

"No. I believe that's everyone else." In the seconds that exchange took, the Anti-Death Entity's hands regrew and he grappled through the mirror at Sam once again. "Join me, Sam Winchester. Bow before the Gentry and whom we serve!"

He felt himself about to be dragged down but fortunately, the Spectre grabbed him by the waist at the same time and pulled him back. "You must help me fight it!" He screamed, "the Gentry must not win!"

Grabbing the Anti-Death Entity's hands, he forcefully pried them off, its fingers digging painfully into his skin as he shoved him back into the reflection. The Spectre immediately raised his hands over the mirror floor, casting a radiate green light over it. When it faded, the mirrored floor was now an opaque, solid surface.

"I've sealed it away deep in your subconscious but it won't last long." said the Spectre, "the Gentry are breeding and as their numbers increase, so strengthens the Anti-Death Entity's hold over your will."


In ground zero of the virus outbreak, the universe from which the Gentry invaded, Adam and Eve stared up at the massive creatures that now loomed before them, their eyes and human minds struggling to take in every detail. Any person with even a hint of knowledge would have known to run, fast and far, but unfortunately, Adam and Eve simply didn't know better...

Intellectron, the egg-shaped Gentry with bat-wings flew high above them, casting lightning down at the ground around them. Everywhere his lightning bolts struck, plant life died, the ground cracked, and the dirt dried up.

New structures grew around Lord Broken, a living clock tower whose windows were filled with about half a dozen massive eyeballs. The rocky ground melted around them, and the molten magma rose up in streaks, forming a giant ball of rock in the air, supported by three giant pillars of stone. It was some sort of an insect nest...

Insect wings buzzed loudly nearby. "What's that?!" Adam and Eve turned around as a blizzard of giant cockroaches spewed in, covering the sky like a thick black blanket. The majority flew straight for the nest but a few fluttered down to the ground, uprooting entire small trees from the ground and carrying them up to the nest.

A huge cockroach perched on a log just a few dozen feet away from them, chewing at the trunk. Eve stumbled backwards in shock, and it turned to face her, mandibles opening wide. It was nearly as long as she was tall, its yellow striped carapace shining in the light filtering down.

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