Chapter 41

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A/N: To those of you wondering why Lucifer Morningstar wasn't in Crisis On Infinite Earths, here's why. And spoilers: Lucifer has the Anti Monitor's on his knees, begging.

"Shall we proceed to the next?" Mar Novu asked, extending his hand out to Sam, "shall we meet your next target?" When Sam didn't respond, Mar Novu snapped his fingers, and the air warped around them. He felt the squeezing sensation of teleportation briefly before his feet touched the ground again. Once more, they were standing in the middle of an overgrown rainforest, surrounded by plants and wildlife, nearly as thick as the blinds on a curtain.

"Meet the Hunted God," Mar Novu willed the wildlife to part before them, revealing a clear path to a sparkling clear pond beneath a lively waterfall. Sitting on a rock in its center, was a glowing blue humanoid with hooves for feet and a pair of long antlers on its head. The thick mist of the falls left the creature mostly shrouded, but even at a distance, Sam could sense the power nature radiating from it; the balance, the beauty, and the life.

"That mutated thing is the Hunted God?!" Sam grumbled, "well since he's not dead, let's go! The moisture makes my clothes sticky."

"No." insisted Mar Novu, "Death follows this creature through its life. It will come. You must learn all aspects of your job, Sam, waiting is a big part."

Suddenly, the Hunted God sprang to its feet and fled, sprinting away at speeds incomprehensible to mortal eyes. "Well, look what you did!" Sam grumbled, "now you just scared his ass away! Oop. Guess it's time to go home!" He prepared to leave, but Mar Novu grabbed his arm before he could.

"No. Death follows its prey." he said, "as long as life remains, Death does not rest. We shall follow."

"Well, you do it then!" Sam complained, "I'm not running after that fucker! If we're chasing, then I ride on your back!"

"Very well. So be it." Mar Novu bent over slightly for Sam to climb on. "Death must not rest."

"You're serious." Sam groaned, "motherfucker!" But at the end of the day, riding on his back was still better than running himself. Wrapping his arms around the Over-Monitor's neck, Sam hopped onto his back and clamped his legs around his waist.

Then, they were off! Mar Novu leaped through the air, traveling at speeds impossibly faster than light as they pursued the Hunted God. They crossed dimensions like leaping over creeks. The gaps between worlds were rough at first, but soon, they began to pick up speed. In front of them, they saw the dim glow of the Hunted God as it ran to the edges of the multiverse.

 In front of them, they saw the dim glow of the Hunted God as it ran to the edges of the multiverse

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"Onwards, Sleipnir!" A gruff baritone voice roared from behind them. "Strike true, Gungnir!" A band of Vikings on the backs of horses, led by the Odin of Aesir, followed the trail of the Hunted God, "let the Wild Hunt commence!!"

In mere seconds, they had breached the Sphere of The Gods and Limbo as they charted over the skies of the 5th Dimension. The Hunted God, pursued by Death, and then by the Wild Hunt. It was a chase to the edge of their multiverse, to the Antimatter Wall containing all things.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2021 ⏰

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