Chapter 15

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The Monitor's bellow rang across all of the 5th dimension. Dean, even after clamping his hands down upon his ears, still felt a residue ringing in them. Mar Novu raised his hands to the incoming wall of destruction, and clenched his teeth, his mind and soul channelling the immense power of the positive matter multiverse into a force field against the incoming Chaos.

For a moment, Dean feared the wall would plough right past the barrier...

The wall of destruction pushed against the barrier of the Monitor, causing it to flicker in strain. Mar Novu grinded his teeth, sweat pouring down his cheeks.

The wall pushed forward, disintegrating more of the room...Samuel Winchester stood just inches away from it...the runes existed just inches away from it...until it finally slowed...and stopped.

From the swirl of destruction and Chaos, a deep voice bellowed furiously. "A force RESISTS me!!! Who DARES resist the inevitable CHAOS?!"

"I DARE!!!" The Monitor replied as he reached up to his shoulder and unlatched his cape. "Dean. I will hold Chaos back as long as I can. Ensure the spell gets done!!!"

And with that, The Monitor leaped off the edge and into the swirling of broken reality.

Shielding his face with his arms, Dean Winchester slowly inched up towards the edge and peered out at the fight between the two mightiest beings to ever walk their multiverse...a fight between an agent of order and an agent of chaos...a fight of survival against destruction...a fight of good against evil...

Two shadowy small and human-like, one large and calm but firm, one rapid and chaotic...the two figures wrestled for dominance in the shattered reality...four pairs of glowing yellow eyes shone brightly.

The vast amounts of power that radiated from the battle blew him back almost instantly, throwing him into the runes. Samuel Winchester remained entranced, his mind completely oblivious to what happened around him. The candles were burning away fast, leaving puddles of melted wax on the Dean's eyes, they were no different from the fuse of a live bomb, waiting to annihilate them at a moment's notice.

"I give you a claw I ripped from a rat!" Sam chanted. The tiny claw burst into flame. "I give you a name, and the name is lost!" A piece of parchment paper with a series of writings on it ignited. "I give you the blood..." He brought the glowing dagger down to his wrist and made a small incision, enough to let a single drop of blood fall into the circle. "...from out of my vein, and a feather I pulled from an angel's wing!"

The words took a toll inside his head. However, Samuel Winchester realized that he couldn't stop now, even if he wanted to. Not that he did. "I call you with many names, oh my lord, oh my lord...I summon with poison, I summon with pain..." Sweat streaked down his face as he strained from the toll of his spell. "...and I open the way and I open the gates!!!"

Dean looked up at his friend fearfully. "I summon you in the names of the old lords. NAMTAR. ALLATL, MORAX. NABERIUS. KLESH. VEPAR. MAYMON. We summon. COME!!"




Voices sounded. Quiet, throaty whispers that made him question his sanity...Dreamy voices.

Still, the ritual was not over...still, Sam felt compelled to continue his train of speech. "Ashema-Deva calls you. Maboryn calls you. HORVENOLE calls you!"

Dreamy voices whispered in his head... 'FROM THE DARK THEY CALL YOU! INTO THE DARK THEY CALL YOU!'



Suddenly, his eyes snapped open. The dim white light that he had once seen in his mind was gone almost instantly, and his stiff legs immediately turned to jelly with any sense of balance he once had flying straight out the window. He felt his vision going black again... "HOLY SHIT DUDE!!!" Dean rushed up to him, catching him by the waist before he hit the ground. "YO! SAM! Wake up! WAKE UP!!!" He slapped Sam's face frantically, "YO DID THAT SHIT WORK OR NOT?!"

"I...I don't know!!" Sam groaned, "and stop doing that!!" He shoved Dean's hand away from his face. "When someone passes out, slapping them in the face is not the proper way to assist them! I thought I taught you this during one of our lectures!"

"Yeah...yeah...whatever man!" Dean screamed, raising a trembling finger towards the ongoing brawl just a few feet away in the distoriating multiverse before them, "Mar Novu can't hold that THING back for long! Please tell me your ritual worked!!"

"I don't KNOW!" Sam snapped back as he slowly climbed to his feet and strudded towards the edge of destruction. "What the hell's going on down there?!"

Shielding his eyes and face with one arm, Sam inched towards the edge, pushing against the hurricane of pure energy that flooded out from the fight. "Yo! Get back here! It's not safe!" Dean screamed, "Sam!!"

Behind them, over the flaming artifacts in the rune, sand first a light shifting...then a small, taking the vague shape of a this point, no one bothered to notice it.

From the chaos, the voice of Anti-Monitor bellowed once more. "It's not a matter of IF I will claim this multiverse, Novu! It is a matter of whether you let me HAVE what is rightfully mine, or I GO THROUGH you to take it!! I have offered you a choice, Monitor, PICK ONE!!"

"I will resist you until my last breath..." Mar Novu's voice was weak and ragged. The shadow of his form now blurred, as if it was beginning to vanish. "You will have to go through me."

"Very well...but just know this: your sacrifice is a FOOL'S sacrifice!" Nylarlathotep's voice sounded, followed by a roar of pain, closed up with a massive eruption of explosion that shattered the foundation of reality across their multiverse.

"Sam, watch out--ARGGH!" Sam felt Dean throw himself onto his back, and heard him cry out in pain, his body going limp against him. "DEAN!!!" He wanted to look back, his spell kept his gaze locked on the sigils, "brother, are you alright?!" He panicked when he got no response. The explosion was reaching them now and he braced for his imminent demise...

...but much to his surprise, it didn't come...the sand extended its arms and pulled them away...

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