Chapter 37

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The Anti-Death ascended to the air, levitating towards Mxyzptlk's broken body. "For billions of years, I have rotted the Graveyard of the Multiverse, weak, starving. I clung on to the only weapon I had left; my hate. I will stride across the bones of all who stood against me...all of existence will be mine!" He landed beside Mxyzptlk, kneeling down next to him. "Let the war begin." His eyes glowed blue with power. "Let the first blood be spilled."

But before he could land the finishing blow, Sam's voice screamed from inside him and his body twitched violently. "No." His hands forced an opening in the Anti-Death Entity's throat. "I'm not...finished...don't touch my fucking friends!" Ripping his head and chest open down the middle, Sam forced his way out like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. "Damn it, Spectre, fight!" He cried in frustration, "you want to help me? Fight it!"

On the ground, Mxyzptlk let out a weak chuckle... "You chose the wrong soul to corrupt, pal."

"Spectre!!!" Sam screamed again. The Anti-Death Entity's body was trying to close itself back up and seal him away, but Sam's fearsome struggle kept him from reforming. Summoning every last ounce of willpower he had, pushed at the Anti-Death Entity, trying to push it away...he squeezed his eyes shut and his forehead glistened with sweat. "HELP ME!"

"Only vengeance..." the Spectre's voice sounded somewhere in all the commotion.

"Mxy, COVER YOUR DAMN EYES!" Sam shouted as a blinding flash of green light exploded from around his body, followed by the Spectre's strained groan and the Anti-Death Entity's furious shrieks. He felt himself be flung into the air by the force of the explosion, the Anti-Death Entity in the opposite direction.

Catching himself in mid-air with his telekinesis, he watched in horror as the Anti-Death Entity assumed its true form before them. There was a coldness that radiated from just being in the Entity's proximity, its body consisting of only a pitch black skull with glowing red eyes with wriggling thorned tentacles growing out from it. At nearly 10 meters in width and tentacles extending out to lengths as long as 20 meters, the Anti-Death Entity towered over them.

"Spectre...we did it!" gasped Sam as he floated up to eye level with the 25 meter tall Spirit of Vengeance. "Now--now destroy the Anti-Death Entity!"

"Do not order me." growled the Spectre, "I am not your puppet anymore! I am the Spectre, and I have interfered enough. Your soul is free of the disease. A man will soon be murdered. A new host will be born. I will be needed elsewhere. He calls me home, as he calls to you."

"No, Spectre, wait!"

"You are finally free." said the Spectre, "and ready to move on. I am coming, my Lord." With that, the Spectre flew off, leaving Sam to deal with the Anti-Death Entity on his own...

Extending its tentacles, the Anti-Death Entity made itself look as massive as it can possibly be...and made Sam look tinier than ever. For a moment, it seemed to consider repossessing Sam as a host...until it noticed a far better, far less resistant alternative lying on the ground beneath them...

Before Sam could realize what was going on, the Anti-Death Entity disintegrated into a funnel of smoke and channeled itself into Mxyzptlk's body through his eyes, nose, and mouth. "NO!!" He raced to stop it, but by then, it was already too late.

Mxyzptlk's eyes fluttered open, his injuries healing themselves instantly as he levitated into the air. The pitch black demon eyes of the Anti-Death Entity stared into his soul, the mouth of sharp fangs grinning wickedly. "You did not win! Anti-Death still lives, and everything else will die in agony and ignorance!"

"Oh, enough with the raves." Mountains collided, and the earth shook. Sam Winchester, empowered by all that he has absorbed over the years, traded a single blow--a single punch--with Anti-Death, and the whole of the 5th Dimension felt it in ripples.

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