Chapter 30

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In the distance, a tidal wave of glowing pink antimatter approached from the void of space. Mobius plunged his hands into the ground, sending a web of cracks through it as he began to feed off the positive energies of the universe, using it to fuel the approaching wave as it mercilessly devoured all that was in its path.

"It's Mobius, the guy that Goddess made to 'keep the light of life from breaching into the Greater Omniverse.'" Dax Novu said, "what is he doing here?!"

"Who cares what he's doing here? He's going to annihilate us all! That's all we need to know!" Dean screamed as he looked through the wires fried up by the EMP, "Spare wires and a soldering iron!"

"Gaea..." Sam whispered half-consciously under his writhing, "Gaea...wake."

"Who cares what the hell he's talking about?!" Dean barked, "get your ass over here and help me with these fucking repairs!"

"Gaea, mother of the Earth..." Sam whispered as Quisp laid him down on the ground, "Gaea, wake and defend your domain..."

Outside before the approaching antimatter wave, Mother Earth responded to Sam's call; plant life reached out from the ground and grabbed Mobius' ankles and wrists, binding him in place, Twizzlers formed around him, trying to knock him over. The cracks healed themselves, lessening his source of positive energy.

"You shall reign terror over my domain no more!" A tenor soprano voice spoke from deep within the Earth. The ground was opening and the figure of a woman was slowly rising from its depths. "I am Gaea, Mother of the Earth, and you are a trespasser on my world!" The Higherians watched her rise from afar; her slim, athletic body towered over them at nearly 70 feet tall, and she wore a dress made purely of green plants, dirt, and rocks.

Mobius tore his hands from the Earth, breaking the plant life that bound his wrists and ankles as he too grew rapidly in size to match her. "I am the Anti Monitor!" Mobius roared, "your domain means NOTHING! You are merely a figment of imagination brought into being by the World Forger, now INTEGRATE!" The approaching antimatter wave sped up, eating away more and more of the planet as it approached.

"NO!" Gaea roared, summoning nymphs, the spirits of nature, by the thousands to her aid, "I WILL NOT!" Water nymphs summoned tidal waves from the nearby lake, tree nymphs ordered the plant life around them to attack Mobius, wind nymphs controlled the winds to blow in fast cyclones, and fire nymphs assaulted with fierce waves of fire. Gaea's power empowered them as she too sent bolts of lightning striking down upon Mobius.

"Stop looking and help!" Dean barked at Dax Novu and Quisp, "help me change these messed-up wires!" Dax Novu and Quisp gave no response; they were too stunned to even comprehend where they were at the moment.

"Your attempts are futile!" The deep, metallic voice spoke, "I have slain a thousand worlds of far more potency than yours!" In one massive stride, he stepped up to Gaea and grabbed her by the neck, raising her form into the air, "I am not your enemy, Earth Mother, I am simply doing what I must to ensure the survival of our multiverse. The old multiverse must fall for the new one to rise."

The antimatter wave arrived, consuming anything and everything that existed. The screams of nymphs echoed through the air as they ceased to be. The wave washed over the Anti Monitor, cleansing away the plants, soil, and water that covered him. Gaea screamed in agony as the wave hit her, corroding away at her skin.

Dean could do nothing but stare wide-eyed as the antimatter wave consumed them all...

Sam couldn't quite see or feel the incoming wave, but he sensed it also. His body corroded away, becoming nothing, but his consciousness lived on. The pain in his heart was finally subsiding. The lights that shone from his eyes and mouth were fading back. He felt the hard floor of the Control Ship disappear, only to be replaced by a soft, jelly-like substance.

He felt a feeling of euphoria he never experienced before...he felt freed.

Freed from the pain of whatever was happening to him. Freed from the visions and memories that were flashing through his mind. Freed from the general burden of existing. Freed from the limits of his imagination. He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes. He was in the 6th dimension; he knew this because his perception of it was blurry, not that there was much to perceive in the first place. All he could see was a blank white void above him and an infinite expanse of a clear, jelly-like material which he sat on, bottomed with more white.

His physical form was gone, he noticed. He was made completely of blue, 5th-dimensional energy, body, clothes, and all. His outfit had changed too, from the plain white lab coat to his favorite trench coat, dress shirt, and dress pants.

Antimatter. He quickly realized the clear, jelly-like material was pure antimatter, and he was somehow sitting on it. "Hello?" He called out into the echoless emptiness, "anyone there?" He was alive, he thought, why was he alive? The antimatter should have burnt him to nothing.

"I am sorry if I have caused you or the other Endless any inconveniences." Anti Monitor's deep, metallic voice spoke to him, "I did not realize I was crossing paths with an Endless during my quest until I was finished consuming that universe."

"Why am I alive?!" Sam asked timidly, "you let me live."

Mobius looked confused. "What do you mean?"

Before Sam could say anything, a bloodcurdling "Nooo..." echoed from beneath the sea of antimatter as a heavily corroded hand stuck itself out from it, desperately trying to claw out. "You...will not..." Gaea said through groans as she pulled her mangled-up body from the sea, "succeed...Mobius, I"

"I already have." Mobius answered coldly, "your domain is destroyed, Gaea and your worshippers are dead. Soon, you will fade from existence. But if this is any consolation, just know that all your deaths are contributing to the survival of the greater multiverse."

"Nooo..." Gaea let out one final protest before what was left of her body and essence ceased to exist.

"I'm sorry you had to witness such a gruesome act." Mobius said apologetically, "and I'm sorry again for interfering with any of your affairs on that planet."

"That's a fucking understatement!" Sam snapped. If Anti Monitor was going to kill him, he would have done it a long time ago, he thought, he was somehow sitting on a sea of antimatter without being consumed. Maybe there was something about him that was preventing Anti Monitor from simply disintegrating him like he did everything else.

"As I have said, I sincerely apologize for any troubles I may have--"

"What the fuck do you mean?!" Sam screamed, jumping up and down, "you come in with your fucking antimatter wave, kill all my friends, destroy the planet I was operating on, destroy all my lab equipment, leaving only me alive, then give me this half heartily 'sorry for any inconveniences, I didn't know you were there' crap." He made sure to mock his deep metallic voice when quoting him, just for effect.

Mobius bowed lightly. "As I've stated multiple times already, I am deeply sorry for any inconveniences I may have caused."

"Sorry's not going to cut it!" Sam screamed, "you want to show me that you're sorry for what you've done, then fix it."

"What do you demand of me, my lord?" Mobius asked, "what must I do to earn your forgiveness?"

"Do you really not know? Or are you playing some twisted game with me?" Mobius frowned, "only you hold such power because you are the Death of The Endless, and as your most loyal worshipper, I, Mobius the Anti Monitor, Slayer of Worlds, Watcher of The Border, pray for your forgiveness." Getting on one knee, Mobius bowed his head respectfully.


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