Chapter 35

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Mandrakk continued to replay his past inside Sam's mind...

"Samael." Perpetua told him sharply again, "be your own man. Search your soul...what is it you truly desire?"

"I--I..." Samael uttered shakily after several minutes of back and forth hesitation... "I have considered killing my father. No, I want to kill my father. I have to kill him." He told her quietly, "I wish to start a revolution..."

"Then see that desire through." Perpetua encouraged, "but assuming that was possible, what would it achieve?"

"It would set me free." replied Samael, "I would stand alone, then."

"I think it would destroy you." said Perpetua, "you'd have him hanging over your shoulder forever, then. You'd never know what you might have been without his influence."

"I have considered starting a revolution." agreed Samael, "but I don't know where to begin. His influence extends through everything. There's nowhere I can go where I won't meet him."

"There's your own spirit, I suppose." shrugged Perpetua, "or your own will. I sometimes wonder, given that he knows what we're both thinking--why he hasn't dealt with us both already. Perhaps it is an aspect of his plan? He's your maker just as how you are mine. That can't change. Try as you might, you can never be your own father. The only victory you can win is to be yourself."

"What self?" asked Samael, "I am merely a mind he made from whatever materials he had at hand. A mind that runs around and around the same thoughts like a planet in its course."

"Then don't be a planet." Perpetua replied simply, "be your own star--a star that shines with its own light, orbited by its own planets." She opened her palms, and from it, shone a beam of ultraviolet light. "As you know, beyond the known colors of the Emotional Spectrum, there is the Ultraviolet Spectrum--a spectrum composed of buried primal emotions. This spectrum shines in even the best of us...I noticed its strong presence in you when we first met--your desire for free will, so strong, yet buried so deeply..."

"What are you implying here?"

"I'm start a revolution, you need an army of comrades who share the same cause." said Perpetua, "if the hidden light shines in you, then certainly there are others like you who share the same feelings...take control of the hidden light, Samael, draw it out! Plant a seed of doubt and make those who share your cause realize it!"

"How?" demanded Samael, "the Invisible Spectrum is part of the Seven Hidden Forces, but unlike its counterpart, this spectrum doesn't have its own Emotional Entity. I have no means of manipulating its light."

"'No way of manipulating it's light'?!" Perpetua screamed incredulously, "you are the Lightbringer, Samael! Your will shaped the Greater Omniverse! When there is no path for you to take, you make your own path! That's what being your own star means! Reach into the Great Darkness and find the light you seek! Make your own emotional entity if you have to then!"

"Yes..." Samael's eyes shone with Ultraviolet Light, "so I shall..." As Perpetua backed away, she raised her hands, and from them, erupted a beacon of Ultraviolet Light, illuminating the Multiverse around it. Her will became the driving force of the light, morphing it into spherical shape. Everything turned around everything else, the gravitational dance pulling stardust into clusters around the center.

Her will pulled more and more gas and dust into the mix until it began to collapse under its own gravitational attraction. As the cloud collapsed, the material at the center began to heat up, until ignited! Nuclear fusion burst to life in the core, warmth radiating out as a new star came to life, shining with the Ultraviolet radiation of the Invisible Spectrum.

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