Chapter 51

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No words could deter the Hand of Darkness. No magic on the face of the Multiverse could slow him down, let alone stop him. It was on the sacred land of Jerusalem that Sam, for the first in an eternity, was set on learning to fight. All his life, he had avoided fights, either through dirty tricks or by paying others off to do the fighting for him but now, there was one he could turn to.

He needed to learn to master his pain and channel it, to defy the limits of imagination itself, to move faster than thought and vanish from sight, and to strike through the veil that separates the living world from the spirits beyond.

The Phantom Stranger trained him day and night (he didn't need to sleep anyways), coaching him in a fighting style that complimented his newfound abilities. Three times a day, Sam would test his improvements by firing beams of Omega Energy at the barrier that separated him from the outside world, but everytime, his Omega Beams simply bounced off harmlessly.

Then they would train some more. They sparred until Sam knew each and every move with absolute mastery. His hands would bleed and his lungs ached but the Phantom Stranger pushed on. They had but six days to prepare. There was simply no time for recovery or breaks.

Up in Breeding World, the breeding process was sped up as well; there were no more 'Designated Breeding Sessions,' there was simply breeding. Eve and the girls were no longer running things around here. The Mutatus have taken production almost entirely and they too seemed to realize the importance of weeding out the weak.

The breeders were essentially pawns in the massive breeding hive which the Mutatus have set up now. Unlike the device Sam had built which often discarded good broods, the Mutatus themselves seemed far more adept in determining which brood to keep and breed and which to abandon. The whole building was packed with giant triangular hive structures in which they would store their young.

Today, Eve walked around, assisting any of the girls who were having trouble getting their broods out. She was pregnant too, her belly swollen as if nearly ready to give birth. Clear, viscous fluid dripped from her pussy.

Most of the girls were now bound, their limbs spread-eagle, held in place by the thick, papery material that made up the nests. Only Eve and a very few others were exempt from this. Around her, she could see the captured girls weaved between the triangular combs of the nest like they were part of the hive.

Her womb contracted and a young Mutatus was pushed out through her cervix. It was almost second nature for her at this point. As the insects popped out of her, the adults would quickly swoop in and carry them off to the nest. Half-dried cum made thick trails down each of their thighs but she was too lazy to wipe it.

They would just breed her again and she would just cum again anyways, she thought, why bother? Plus, the Mutatus often cleaned her up before her breeding anyways so it's not like she'll stay like this forever.

Walking up to Breeder-069, she gently smoothed out her hair and massaged her swollen belly. "Hey girl, how are you holding up?"

"More..." Breeder-069 whispered, her mouth barely forming the words. She groaned again, and as Eve watched, something small and pale wriggled its way free of her pussy. A giant bug immediately moved to pick up the new-birthed young, placing them delicately into the many combs of paper that awaited them.

"Atta-girl," she caressed her hair gently, "push them out!" Bending down, she began to finger Breeder-069, gently stimulating her clit as she moaned, partially from the pleasure, and partially from the effort of birthing these creatures.

"I'm almost..." she gasped, breathless. "I'm... going to cum--"

"That's good!" Eve sped up her fingering and Breeder-069's pleasure crested, clenching her abdomen hard. A particularly fat grub tumbled free with a spray of fluid as she came, her whole body shaking. "You're welcome." She grinned as she walked away while Breeder-069 slumped down in her bindings, exhausted.

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