Chapter 13

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He rolled off her and off the couch, his heart still racing at his little stunt. He gave her a mental command to get up, and she did, her face completely indifferent to the eruption of sticky white lava from her pussy. "I won't keep you long, and I won't make you do anything sexual in my possession of you." He promised to her, "bring me back."

She nodded robotically as she gave her hand a wave. Immediately, the room around him blurred back into the gray Limbo. In one clean motion, she reached out and touched his chest, sending warm waves of life through his body. A bright light was forming before him...the light of his life.

The light grew closer and closer. His senses were returning...the searing pain...the warm trickle of blood...the thunderous noise of Higherian forces engaging the newly arrived threat. He took a long gasping breath as he came to, his body twitching back to life. His eyes...his eyes were still blind from the trauma...his body was still the mangled mess he had left it in, and what's more, a massive slab of concrete now pinned his lower body to the ground.

'If I can imagine it, I can do it.' The thought ran through his head. 'I want to heal...I want this slab of concrete off me...I want to heal...I want this slab of concrete off me...' He focused his attention on the hundreds of different breaks and fractures across his body, carefully manipulating and reconstructing the matter to repair itself.

The body was just a suit--an interface device to interact with the world, he told himself, I can control it. One by one, the breaks mended themselves, the cuts closed, and the searing pain slowly backed away. His hands dug beneath the slab of concrete as he tried to push it didn't give an inch.

"ARRRGGGHHH!!!" He groaned in strain, streaks of sweat trickling down the sides of his head. The concrete was way too much for him to lift physically. He had to will it move aside. Concentrating once again, he commanded the concrete to float up and off himself.

Slowly but surely, the concrete floated into the air, allowing him the room to move himself out from under it.

Outside the Containment Building, the deafening sound of artillery fire mixed with the blasting of antimatter beams sent shivers down his spine. He had just gotten away from Death. He did not want to meet her again so soon.

He was not going to.

Outside, the screams of men can be heard for miles. Anti-Monitor picked up tanks and crushed them like juice boxes, all while incinerating anything he laid eyes on with antimatter. At this point, Sam was desperate; the Higherian artillery strikes were doing absolutely nothing other than enraging the creature, and reality was already starting to unravel from its presence.

He needed to stop him before his world fell to chaos, and there was only one person he knew who even stood the slightest of a chance to do it; Mar Novu, The Overmonitor.

The red emergency lights flashed, the blaring alarm rang in his ears, dozens of automated speakers around the building blurted safety protocol instructions with little to no effect. "HEY!!!" Sam sprinted around the Containment Building which was now piled with mountains of rubble and mangled up ships and vehicles. "HEY YOU!!!"

A member of the landing crew was hunched over a radio station in a messy office located in the far corner of the building where he was frantically trying to contact the FDDOD (Fifth Dimensional Department of Defense). "Yes! Of course! Send the military!" He screamed into his microphone, "yes! Yes! Everything! Send whatever you have! Antimatter bomb, Universe Busters, whatever! I told you, THIS IS A CODE BLACK!!!!"

"HEY YOU!" Sam ran up to the man and jerked him roughly away from his radio, "which cell is Overmonitor Mar Novu kept?!"

"We've got more important issues, pal!!!" The man snarled at him, pushing him aside violently, "why does it matter?!" Turning back to his radio, the man continued barking orders to the operators on the other end. "Listen here, you fucking idiots! THE 5TH DIMENSION IS UNDER ATTACK FROM A SUPERIOR BEING! CIVILIAN CASUALTIES CANNOT BE AVOIDED! FIRE AT WILL!"

"Shit that will do!" Sam snapped at him, grabbing him by the collar and slamming him up against the wall so hard, it knocked the wind out of him. "We are up against a 10th dimensional being!!! You saw how useless our weapons and artillery were against it! What makes you think the military can do any better?!"

"Well, for starters, they're the military, and useless you have better plan--"

"I do!" Sam snapped, giving the man a violent jerk, "Mar Novu! He's the only one who might even stand the tiniest of chances against that thing, SO TELL ME WHERE THE FUCK HIS CELL IS!!!"

"Bunker C, cell 21." The man replied hastily, "but wait! Protocol demands that all prisoners be released under Code Black!! I already opened the cells, so there may be a chance--"

"NO!" Sam replied definitively, "I've encountered Mar Novu enough to know; he would not just flee like that!" Or so he hoped, he thought, maybe if he imagined it hard enough,! He was not giving up hope! Not like this! Sprinting out of the office, Sam took off running towards the hatch door located near the wall adjacent to the office door which led down to the prison cells beneath.

The door was mangled by the tons of concrete girders crashing down upon it, and Sam had to channel every last ounce of his willpower to move them aside, and pry the entrance open. Sprinting as fast as his legs could move, he ran fast past the rows of prison cells, each of them originally enclosed by heavy duty force fields to prevent any and all escape by its inhabitants.

Now, with the activation of Code Black, the force fields have all dropped, ideally to allow the prisoners at least a chance at survival. Cell 15, Cell 16, Cell 17...he counted as he passed, for the cell numbers which had once been illuminated by bright neon lights, were now nearly invisible with the power outage.

He prayed to God, or whoever would listen, that Mar Novu had not chosen to flee.

"YOU FOOL!!!" Before Sam realized what was going on, a hand grabbed his shoulder and slapped him firmly across the face. "YOUR TOWERING AMBITION HAS NOW DOOMED US ALL!" The voice was a deep baritone, and the hand was a dark red color under the red emergency lights. However, it was the pair of glowing yellow eyes that finally gave him away.

"Mar Novu."

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