Chapter 19

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The Sandman waved his hand and a set of antique chairs and a little coffee table appeared around them. "Please. Take a seat."

"Yeah...I'd rather not..." Sam replied cautiously, "you see? I may not have told you this yet...but the reason we called see there's sort of this monster creature ravaging--"

"The threat has already been subdued." The Sandman reached his hand into his robes, pulled out a small clear jar, and gently placed it on the table before them. "Nyarlathotep has been securely returned to his imprisonment in The Dreaming." Sure enough, inside the tiny jar, a shrunken down, miniature Nyarlathotep pounded furiously against the sides to no avail.

"What?" the Sandman glanced at the shocked Higherian scientists as he calmly picked the jar up again and tucked it away his robes. "He is an important aspect of the Greater Omniverse. Destroying him would lead to unfathomable outcomes." Despite having just put a glass jar in, his robes still remained as smooth and as flat as before. "Reality works differently in the Dreaming."

"The mean so this is all just a dream?!" Sam asked, "What about Dean? Does that mean my brother's still alive?!"

"I'm sorry, Sam Winchester." The Sandman glanced at him without even a trace of emotion in his eyes. "But even in dreams, people can die. Dean Winchester is gone..." Once more, he pulled out his pouch of sand and once more, he drew a handful from the pouch and tossed it into the air. Once more, the scene around them began to change...

The light around them brightened and brightened until the room faded away so that there was nothing but a pure, white void surrounding them all. "This is Monitor-Mind The Overvoid." said Dream, "the ultimate source and container of all creation inside the Greater Omniverse. This is the final dimension your kind sought to explore, was it not?"

He opened his hand for Sam to see; in his palm sat a tiny, nearly invisible speck of dust floating. "This is your multiverse, a tiny, insignificant speck floating in the infinite sea of raw primordial power that is the Overvoid."

"What about it?" Sam asked.

"The Overvoid too is a sentient being." continued the Sandman, "see it as an infinite, gigantic, limitless, vast intelligence encompassing all things, including God himself. It is the final personification of the final dimension...the ultimate dimension of all. It contains the material

manifestation of implicate/explicate reality. All things--what was, what shall be, what can be, what would be, what might be--and of course, what is, are but bacterium to its infinite form.

"Had you chosen to ascend the dimensional ladder instead of descending it like you have done, you would have been successful in reaching the Overvoid." said the Sandman, "your kind would have acquired the omniscience you so desperately seek."

"I messed up. No need to rub it in!" Sam muttered.

"I have no intention of furthering your pain or guilt." replied the Sandman, "I am merely showing you the truth." The white void around them began to fade to black until a Great Darkness encompassed them... "When you chose to open that portal down the dimensional ladder instead of up, you opened a gateway to a place called the Otherplace--I believe you call it the Great Darkness--inhabited by a race of beasts known as the Otherkind."


Although he was completely deprived of his sight in the Great Darkness, he could hear the slobbering, shuffling, and hissing sounds of those beasts. He shivered in fright and disgust. "Remember Sam, it's all an illusion. It can't hurt you!" Dream reminded him, "Now this darkness--this Great Evil Beast--is a being residing outside of even the Overvoid in a complete absence of divine light.

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