Chapter 38

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It was all done, he thought. If he closed his eyes and focused, he could sense Lucifer's will reshaping his home, restoring it to the state it was before his foolish mistake. A hologram projection of Nekron flickered beside him, no doubt from one of the Source's many projectors. "Lord Death." Nekron said, bowing his head, "will you be returning to your realm soon?"

"I am not your lord." Sam snapped, "because first, you're the prodigal I never wanted; I wanted to create a Life Entity, but The Presence randomly thought it would be hilarious to animate its shadow and create your ugly ass. And second, I don't even want to be Death!"

"First of all, ouch, and second of all, you cannot just choose to abandon your duties!" Nekron protested, "you are an Endless now! The Endless are crucial to the working of reality! You cannot quit!"

"I can, I will." said Sam, "Death is no more." Bending his knees, he pushed up off the ground, launching himself into space, leaving a crater in his wake. He was going home. The atmosphere burned against his skin and body as he picked up speed. Just like the moons, the Source's central body also had the Black Lantern Symbol engraved upon it.

Suddenly, one of the many moons of the Source opened its single red eye, repositioning itself via rocket boosters, fired a laser blast so powerful, it sent Sam sprawling back down to the ground. He felt himself faceplant in the sand, bouncing back into the air and flop across the sandy ground. Nekron's hologram appeared beside him.

"You little shit!" Sam snarled, crawling to his feet, "I will fucking rip your heart out and make you eat it! I--" The nanobot sand swarmed in on his ankles and up his body, restraining him like a stray jacket would. "Release me, you little shit! I am your lord! I am Death! I--mmmhhff!" The sand formed a gag around his mouth, silencing him.

"You claimed you were no longer my lord. Do you wish to take that back?" Nekron asked. Sam nodded through the gag. Immediately, the nanobot sand fell back to the ground, lifeless.

"You bitch ass motherucker! I will fucking fuck your ass up so bad, and then shove that stupid scythe up it, and then--" He ran out of insults to say. "You're fucked, man."

"The Presence will not appreciate your abdication." said Nekron, "you are his creation, and the creator does not take kindly to those who defy his rule."

"Well, if The Presence wants me to go back home..." Sam picked up Nekron's scythe and began drawing a rune on the ground. "...he's going to have to find me first. And in case you forgot, I'm head of the Fifth Dimensional Science and Magic Research Department. Simple cloaking spell, quite unbreakable."

"You'd better hurry up then." said Nekron's hologram.

"Or how about you shut the fuck up and help me?!" Sam grumbled, throwing the scythe beside the finished rune, "I need some ingredients...sandalwood, and candles. Fly to the nearest multiverse and fetch me some."

"No. You don't understand." Hologram Nekron pointed up at the sky behind him. "They're already here." In the black void, a tear formed in reality, opening a portal from which holy white light shone brightly. An army of winged angels flooded in, encircling their planet and forming a net around them trapping them there.

"What?!" Sam complained, "how did they know? I literally thought of that a few minutes ago!" The general of the army, Saint Michael, rode up to the head of the army on a golden chariot, drawn by two elegant winged horses. The host of heaven each brandished their spears, bows, and arrows as they took offensive stances around their target.

"The creator sees all, hears all." answered Nekron, "the moment the thought of rebellion came through your mind, The Presence heard it."

"Death!" Michael Demiurgos' voice bellowed through the void. "The Presence demands your return to duty! The forces of heaven have orders to ensure that gets done! Whether you are returned willingly or by force is up to you! I warn you, fighting is useless!"

Sam shot Nekron a panicked look for advice. "The decision is yours, my lord." Nekron replied, "you are my lord and master. Any decision you make, I will follow through faithfully."

"No, you fucking idiot. I mean I have no idea whether I should fight or surrender." snapped Sam. "I need your advice!"

"Very well." said Nekron, "if you leave the responsibility of this decision to me, then I shall faithfully take it." Suddenly, hundreds of massive vents opened across the surface of the Source, expelling tons of trillions of toxic acids into the atmosphere. "We stand and fight! We will be returned to The Sunless Lands against our will either way. We might as well take a dying bite before we fall--well, not dying, but you get the point."

"Is that your final decision, Winchester?" Michael asked, "you will not be given a second chance."

"Yes." Sam held the scythe defensively in front of his body. the Source, being an entity technically of the dead, meant it was susceptible to reanimation and control from the Black Lantern Rings. Through the rings in which Nekron had implanted throughout the Source's very essence, he held absolute control over the undead planet.

"Michael." Nekron sneered, "you know, with war, there are always casualties."

"Brothers and sisters!" roared Michael, "what is our greatest wish, our sole purpose of existence?"

"To die in the service of the lord!" A rally of angel voices replied.

"Then let us charge!" On Michael's command, the millions of angels that surrounded the planet rushed into the atmosphere, sending blasts of holy white light in the general direction of Sam's voice. The angels were spiritual beings too, and as such, the Source' poisonous atmosphere had no effect. The nanobots gathered into thousands of giant tentacles which grabbed and tore up thousands of angels before they could touch the ground.

The giant mouth of the Source opened up, revealing a powerful gravity well, generated by an artificial black hole that sucked thousands more angels into a vortex grinder that ground them into pulp. "Let us leave and we will return your men to life!" Sam shouted, "we promise!"

The angels didn't heed. Hundreds of high powered lasers fired from the Source' giant red eye, incinerating hundreds of angels with each blast. the Source controlled it's moons to do the same, only on a much smaller scale due to their smaller size.

The moons each had eight large rocket nozzles, evenly distributed along it's circular surface. Their purpose was to reposition the moons for a better angle of attack, or to keep them from crashing onto Nekron's surface should they get too close.

"Enough is enough!" Michael bellowed as he raised his hands up above his head, the Dunamis Demiurge flowing through his body. "Winchester! Tell Nekron to stop killing my men or I will have to take action!"

One of the Source's moons hit Michael in the chest with a laser blast from his eye, knocking Michael into outer space. "Never!" Nekron roared through the Source's dull metallic voice, "we will never give in to you!"

Sam spread his giant, shadowy wings and flew into the air, destroying thousands more angels with a powerful pulse of white light. He reached out with his mind, connecting his will to the sea of Black Lantern Rings littered around them, ordering their movements. Thousands of Black Lanterns Rings took to the skies, latching themselves onto anything with lifeforce and transforming them into Black Lanterns.

"So be it, Death!" Michael Demiurgos bellowed as a brilliant white light emanated from his body. A wave of Demiurgic power exploded outwards, targeting and annihilating every Black Lantern Ring on the planet. The Black Lantern possessed angels immediately fell lifeless to the ground as more passed in through the portal. With the destruction of the rings, Nekron's hold over the Source faltered with it.

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