Chapter 44

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Cradling the planet in his hands, Sam cast a forcefield around it, severing it from the rest of his private universe. Closing his eyes, he synchronized his thoughts with the flow of time in that pocket, he sent it hurtling forwards. Each year that passed in that pocket planet was a little less than a day outside.

Time was only relative; the girls on the planet would not notice a difference in the flow of time, and neither would those outside the pocket. In their eyes, time was moving normally for them. However, should someone on the inside peer at what goes on outside the barrier, they would see that the outside world was moving slower than a snail's crawl. Similarly, someone on the outside would see that the inside world was moving at an impossibly fast pace.

"Sam Winchester!" A familiar voice barked telepathically in his head (there was no air for sound to travel, meaning they could only talk telepathically), "in the name of The Presence, I command you to stop!"

"Oh great," groaned Sam, "couldn't you have stayed in existential crisis mode for a bit longer?! Most existential crises last 3-6 months, you know!"

"I have chosen to align myself with the Lord!" said the Spectre, "nothing can change that choice!"

" know, I wasn't really hoping to change your choice, it was more along the lines of crippling you with an existential crisis..."

"You must not kill the Empty Hand!" said the Spectre, who flew through the vacuum at massively hypersonic speeds, his stature nearly on par with Sam's. "the Lord commands it!"

"Oh please--" Sam punched him in the jaw, knocking him back a few million miles through space, "--if God was so insistent on this, then he would come and stop me himself!"

"I have no time for this!" Roared the Spectre, grabbing a planet he landed next to in his arms and hurling it at Sam like a giant projectile. He covered his face just as the planet hit, cracking in his face like a raw egg, showering him with an entire planet's worth of molten magma and coating the forcefield that covered Breeding World.

The ensuing brawl left the universe filled with the debris of ruined planets; taking two more planets in his hands, the Spectre charged at him, bashing him in the face with them, sending sprays of molten magma soaring across the void. "You must cease this aimless resistance!" He cried, "there is a bigger picture that must be seen!"

"Countless universes will die! All those innocents! All those souls, lost!" He cracked his own planet over the Spectre's head, sending him flying downwards, "If the Great Darkness wants a damn war, I'll give him a war! I'll destroy it too!"

"Fool!" A brush of the Spectre's hand sent hundreds of glowing hot planet fragments soaring towards Sam, bombarding his body from head to toe. The magma burned against his skin but the sensation was less of a pain and more of a minor sting that was kind of annoying. "You have no idea the power you're dealing with!" Bits got into his eyes, making him rub them in discomfort.

Taking advantage of Sam's distraction, he flew behind him, pulling his arms around his neck, and locking him with a sleeper hold. "Relent, boy! This is what must happen!"

"Never!" He grabbed the Spectre's shoulders and hurled him up over his head, slamming him head-first into a large fragment of one of the many planets they've destroyed. "This Multiverse is worth saving, goddamn it!"

"I am sorry, Sam--" the Spectre raised his hands and chains of fire materialized around Sam's body, binding him tightly in a cocoon that went up to his upper chest. "--but this Multiverse must die. With chains of holy fire, I bind you. You will be brought back to Jerusalem where I shall watch over you to ensure you do not interfere. That is what God demands...that is what will be."

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