Chapter 40

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"I've dealt with your kind in the past." said Sam, "you create illusions, you make empty promises, you threaten those I care about to make yourself look big." Sparks of dark energy flew from the Anti-Life Entity's eye, like water from a leaky faucet. In one hard twist, he pulls his limbs free from his telekinetic restraints and blasted him in the face with 5th Dimensional energy.

The blast obliterated his entire head, making him stagger backward, screaming and roaring in anger. "YOU DARE STRIKE ME?!!" Almost instantly, he regenerated, bolts of dark energy crackling from his eye as he loomed over him, using his monstrous size in an attempt to make Sam feel small. "Your hate only makes me more powerful, Sam!"

"No, you're only as strong as I believe you are." sneered Sam. It was all inside his head, he reminded himself, this was his playground, his rules. "You overestimate your power and your importance. In truth, you are nothing but a badly-drawn caricature I made back when I was a kid that somehow came to life."

The moment he imagined that, the scene around him changed; the Anti-Life Entity was gone, and in its place, was a cheap stick figure drawing of it that slowly fluttered down into his hands. Crumpling it up, he popped it into his mouth, chewed it up, and swallowed it. "You know? I swore my childhood drawings were better than this shit."

Back in the 5th Dimension, in the room that was once Sam's private movie theater, Eve held her very first class of 51 students. She had considered dividing them up even further but quickly decided against it. It's not like it'll do anything to make things go faster.

On the cushioned seats where Sam, Dean, Mxyzptlk, and Quisp once hung out and watched movies now sat full of young women--physically in their early 20s, waiting for Eve to show up and for class to start. Eve walking into the room seemed to snap everyone out of their sleepy haze--apparently students weren't the only ones not allowed to wear clothes.

The entire class has a clear view of Eve's body. "Good morning students, welcome to your first day as breeding stock. Since you've been bought from your families for the next 7 days you're cattle and as such you'll be registered under a cattle number," she said holding up a yellow cow tag. "Each class has a unique color. Yours is yellow. When I call your name, come down to the piercing station and you'll have one attached."

The process was roughly the same for everyone; they all knew this was coming and most seemed to be desperately hoping Eve would forget her or something. Each girl would walk down the steps and sit down on the stool in front of Eve.

Eve would grab an alcohol wipe and clean off the surface on her areola before grabbing her nipple and pulling on it, uncaring if it was painful or not. She had a needle in her other hand. Sage bit her lip and braced for what was coming when she noticed the woman line it up with her nipple.

Then, a stabbing pain blossomed in her breast as she pulled the needle all the way through. While some resisted the pain, most felt hot tears rolling down their cheeks as they desperately tried not to scream. It wasn't over yet though. Eve would line the pin up with the hole and shoved it through. Usually, by now, even the more tolerant girls couldn't take it anymore and would let out a pitiful sob.

The stinging didn't go away as they sat back down at her table. They weren't permitted to take medication for this either. Once everyone had their pins, Eve stood back up in front of the class to talk.

"Does anyone know why you're not allowed to wear clothes?" She asked the class. There was no response. "Hmm nobody then? Well there's two reasons, one is for practicality. This is a job that requires all of your body. You exist to pump out babies and nothing takes priority over that for the next 6 and a half days. Understood?"

Most of the class nodded. "Good." said Eve, pulling out a large jar filled with big, fat wiggling Mutatus Worms. "Now, let's begin..."

Back in Jerusalem, Sam Winchester sat up gasping for breath on the ground, rubbing his bruised head in pain. He must have hit it on the ground when he fell. "Freeze!" A voice on radio shouted as dozens of laser pointers locked onto him, from high-powered 5th Dimensional cannons mounted on his fleet.

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